quote: I layed there for awhile and just watched my brain work, neurons madly firing from the drugs but with nowhere to go.
Which begs the question,is it possible to effect changes of state,to interact with these processes?.
quote: Can you describe the size of the images? Were the slides in front of you?
The slides were moving past me into a nearby space,but apart from the images I can only remember darkness.The pictures were of people and places,and seemed to contain visual ideas,such as a woman in a running pose,a building from the outside surrounded by green gardens.They moved from left to right past my attention.
quote: Also, how did you "connect" to your flowchart to play the sounds?
The flowchart was in light blue ink on white,and started by drawing a box with a codeword inside,onto the 'white' and then another box and code under it,joined by a thin blue line.The creation of boxes joined together like the roots of a tree,and expanded with accelerated frequency.At about 'mormal' speed of chart generation,I consciously tried to 'touch' one of the boxes,but I remember thinking that I had made a connection like a circuit tester checks for current.The flow chart began to resemble a PCB(printed circuit board),and flowed faster till it became a river.As the information grew beyond conscious comprehension,sound filtered into my mind and as I woke up ,this became the background noise of actual reality.It felt like coming up from deep water and someone unplugging your ears.This wasn't completely passive though,I managed to remember the sound of a girls voice that I had randomly picked from the expanding list of remembered sounds.
The sounds we hear are all in memory,and it is the frequency of sound iterations that gives them credibility.As we approach wakefulness,the input is too strong,and like fishermen who've caught too many fish,we have to throw a lot of information away.The more useful information is stored in a kind of 'auditory startup program' that facilites sound recognition and recall in a conscious person.
quote . I sometimes wake from dreaming awash in a slow wave of this type of thing--similar, I think, to what you describe, but like Doc V. points out, more personal to me.
Good point modfive.My own model of the underlying process is completely personal.
Sorry to hear about you being trapped in Zonos Paradox!Does that mean that without any theory about the nature of a thing,it ceases to exist?
It seems that there is sometimes a sequential ordering of the approach to full consciousness.And that sometimes,or with practise,the order that these awakening processes play themselves out can be screwed with,creating abstract models of thought processes,that can ,it seems,be interacted with by the newly awakened 'self-plex' who should ordinarily ignore these processes.
But playing back your own memories,or paying conscious selective attention to incoming auditory and visual stimulus is a strange one.
At what point do we become human?,and are we fully conscious human beings before or after cornflakes? |