Some parts of popular culture are just Evil. There is such a thing as the Black Eyed Peas, for example. Therefore, this thread is intended to be for the creation and discussion of antidotes or antitheses to these Things that sully the airwaves.
Starting with This.

James "I love the Queen" Blunt. His repulsive, sub-Coldplay stain of a song has been following me about all week, so I wrote and recorded this to be everything "You're Beautiful" isn't. The very concept behind it drives me up the wall: this chappie has apparently fallen passionately in love with some woman on the "subway", despite the fact that HE IS FROM ENGLAND, and then mopes about for the rest of the song. Somewhat like Chris Martin, only with extra punchability. Therefore, enthusiastically scruffy slammy song about seeing beautiful people on the tube and actually speaking to them. Or something.
I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this... |