Blast, now you got me started 
Here's a course in chaos magic for you:
Join a coven.
Get a reiki attunement.
Apprentice yourself to a Magickian.
Go to a sweat lodge.
Be 'born again'.
Slave yourself to a psychic vampire.
Get your head read by a Baba.
Go on a vision quest.
Go to a 'sacred sex' workshop.
Craft a set of rune stones.
Keep an oath of comittment to a God.
Draw a tarot deck.
Get Baptised.
Sell everything and join a monestary.
Follow a guru.
Recite the 10 pilars of Islam.
Join a cult.
Take a Tai Chi class.
Bloody do something.
Chaos teaches us to deprogram, to reach a detached state of objectivity where we can use the traditions and beliefs as we please, or make our own. The point isn't to stay in this state, even Nirvhana is just a way station on the way to somewhere else. That's philosophy, not magick. The point is to be able to practice something, and then be able to stop and do something else later if you please. You are a constantly changing system. What works today, might not work for you tomorrow. Accept this, and be not afraid to turn your back on what you were in order to become something else. That includes stopping being a chaos magician so you can be a traditionalist for awhile, and then go back to chaos again later and see what you've learned. You have to actually practice the tradition if you want to learn from it.
If you don't like any of the current traditions, make up your own. Declare your own gods, or even your own divinity, and do what magic makes sense to you. Take what you've learned from traditions, break them down into their component tools and results, take that and use it your own way.
There's nothing in chaos itself. Chaos is a way to look at the stuff already out there, to find new things in it or make up your own. Pay attention to what you do, not how you do it, and you'll find the basic tools of magick (of which sigelization is just one) and how they are used.
Its a modern world, and a modern view of magic. The magic tiself, however is the same as it ever was. We are just able to see it a little more clearly now. Yay progress.
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