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TAGE #1: Discussion thread


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Eloi Tsabaoth
09:46 / 19.08.05
This is a pretty tolerant restaurant. You've attempted to strip, aimed weapons at the clientele, wandered into the kitchen. 4 michelin stars for these guys.
09:58 / 19.08.05
I'm disappointed that most participants are unable to master basic INGLISH.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:06 / 19.08.05
I just want to state for the record that I'm never going to specify anything about the player's anatomy, and the player's sexuality will be composed of actions, not defined as an identity by me. If the player ever gets any action, I'll just assume you have an orifice that can be penetrated and something you can use to penetrate. But I may decide never to let you get that far...
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:06 / 19.08.05
Yeah, Flyboy's parser suppasses all past parsers.
'Turing Test too easy, say MPs.'
14:40 / 19.08.05
We are obviously a philistine. Instead of rocket salad and pesto pasta we're getting chicken in beer. I thought Maya might be illusory, until she disarmed us with a ninja kick.
Whisky Priestess
15:11 / 19.08.05
We need to keep our strength up though, surely?
15:55 / 19.08.05
Pesto makes you superhumanly strong like spinach, didn't you know? I hope we're not an amnesiac vegetarian or we might feel tres mal later.
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:58 / 19.08.05
I think this game quite accurately recreates what it would be like if you woke up on a strange island with many voices in your head, some barely coherent, all telling you what to do.
Whisky Priestess
16:10 / 19.08.05
Those are both very good points.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:13 / 19.08.05
Erm, I vote we through nedrichards off the island for spoiling the whole thing wrt M.I.A. and Haus for beating me to asking her about the 10 Dollar thing.

Is that how this thread works?
8===>Q: alyn
16:56 / 19.08.05
What's in a rocket salad?
19:54 / 19.08.05
That's what they call arugula.
20:19 / 19.08.05
Which is just lettuce soaked in melted rocket pops.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:28 / 19.08.05
I'm not going to be very pedantic about instructions unless it's funny, but in general I'd prefer it if people only posted one action at a time, maybe two, in each individual post...
22:55 / 19.08.05
I gotta say, you're doing a fantastic job of working all the suggestions together, Flyboy.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:21 / 20.08.05
I'm watching a Ludracris marathon on MTV Hits right now.

So much potential material. He WILL reappear...
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:08 / 20.08.05
Triplets is currently front-runner for the wooden spoon award for not understanding how this thing works.
8===>Q: alyn
02:01 / 21.08.05
Stop being so controlling.
17:07 / 21.08.05
How's that, Flyboy? I don't think my instructions have been better/worse/less appropriate than the others. You'd think encouragement was one of your cardinal sins sometimes.
17:08 / 21.08.05
And in the spirit of that, I think the concept and it's execution (along with Flyb's instructo-gymnastics) are ace.
Tryphena Absent
18:37 / 21.08.05
I am very impressed by flyboy's ability to hurdle over my attempts to fuck up this character's life. Am also disappointed. Wish he was actually a dirty murderer.
09:19 / 22.08.05
Bellhop = Jason Pierce? What can it mean?
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:53 / 22.08.05
Sorry Triplets - I think I mistook one of your first commands as snark when it probably wasn't intended as such.

Generally I've been very happy with the way people are shaping the narrative - I won't single out specifics in case that spoils it, but there are things people have picked up on that have become more important than they would otherwise have been as a result. I do wish people would slow down a bit, though - if two people post simultaneously, fair enough, but although I've tried to weave everything in, from now on I might have to start ignoring people's commands if they post them an hour after the last one and before I've had the chance to respond...

I won't always stop you shooting/attacking people, though.
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:28 / 22.08.05
Jolly good. So you won't mind if we choke the man in the closet before he begins a 5-part musical explanation of his predicament?
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:41 / 22.08.05
Well, unfortunately he has a gun in his hand, and yours is still in either your pocket or satchel, so I wouldn't advise it...
nedrichards is confused
11:01 / 22.08.05
Yeah, sorry for that. I didn't spot this thread (where I'm sure that'd have been OK) as such I've been forced into a short life of tabloid appearences and drunken brawls after being forced off the island.

very much enjoying it though, top work from flyboy.
11:11 / 22.08.05
Can I just say that the appearance of R Kelly in theh closet has merely confirmed my belief that this text adventure reminds me of loads of other really boring text adventures, none of which I can now remember?
Jack Vincennes
11:15 / 22.08.05
I think it sold out way before that.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:18 / 22.08.05
Perhaps we should not call it TAGE anymore, out of respect for the great text adventure games of yore. Perhaps we should call it... SFPAGE!
11:36 / 22.08.05
The rot set in when Melbourne House started to produce text adventure games based on the works of J R R Tolkein. This, I can state objectively, was the begiinning of Text for Hobbit.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:23 / 22.08.05
'"Lawks Mr Frodo, I hopes everything is alright at home." Says Sam' for no readily apparent reason.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:14 / 22.08.05
Whuh? Eh?

Lord knows it pained me to do that to Robert's ankles, but not we can't have the role of every pop star you encounter defined by whether I like their music... Plus I figured it was time for some shocking ultraviolence.

Things will all calm down again in a minute. Unless they don't.
15:23 / 22.08.05
Ah. Pete. Yes. That makes as much sense. It would have been better had it been Jason Pierce, though.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:26 / 22.08.05
Well maybe if you're very good, Jason can make an appearance...
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:48 / 22.08.05
I'm really getting a visual sense of this story now. Everytime someone posts an instruction I see them as a disembodied face floating just over our protagonist's shoulder.
Alternatively, they're all standing around hir, invisible to everyone else, as in delightful Robert Downey Jr comedy classic Heart and Souls.

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