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Mo Mowlam dies

07:17 / 19.08.05
We all knew it was coming, but it doesn't lessen the blow Mo Mowlam has died age 55.

By all accounts she seems to have been that rarest of things, a straight talking politician, one who admitted taking, and inhaling, cannabis. Her biggest political achievement - making the Good Friday Agreement a political reality - as large and important as it is in itself just strikes me as a fraction of what she could have, and perhaps should have, achieved.
07:20 / 19.08.05
Our Lady adds

BBC News.


Telegraph (And Pics).

Bugger. It's turning out to be a month for them isn't it?
Not Here Still
08:24 / 19.08.05
that rarest of things, a straight talking politician

Indeed. Caught the last five minutes of the Today programme with the compilation of her responses in interviews and rememberd just how straight talking she was. You'll be missed Mo...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:15 / 19.08.05
Got a few more details from the paper, she's been unconscious for most of the last fortnight and had a DNR so the tubes were disconnected last night... a damn shame.
10:17 / 19.08.05
Certainly a damn shame that she has died, but surely not that she was not resucitated, since this was in-line with her wishes and her living will...
11:25 / 19.08.05
Oh no. Well, I mean, it was hardly a surprise, but... bugger.
Tryphena Absent
14:04 / 19.08.05
Who's going to save us now?

Better pull straws to see which of us should go into politics.
22:18 / 23.08.05
By all accounts she seems to have been that rarest of things, a straight talking politician, one who admitted taking, and inhaling, cannabis. Her biggest political achievement - making the Good Friday Agreement a political reality - as large and important as it is in itself just strikes me as a fraction of what she could have, and perhaps should have, achieved.

Hate to be the dissenter (actually, I don't...)

MM left precisely no legacy in Ireland. The Belfast Agreement was, firstly, not really her doing at all and secondly has failure built-in to it (not to mention the fact that it legitimises, indeed instituionalises, sectarianism).

Vincent Brown effectively took her legacy to pieces in a recent edition of Village. It's late so I'll not bother typing it out here, but if anyone wants to read it, I'll extract a few key paragraphs.

In the meantime, the former editor of the Sunday Business Post, Ireland's most left-wing newspaper (really!) wrote this piece in the Daily Ireland.

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