Yeah, *bump*, why not. The US thread is too far ahead, and it'll take the UKers a while to catch up 
I was very annoyed when they advertised a "start of season bumper double bill!!!" or summat like that, and it turned out we got yet another dull season one retrospective, and one new episode. It just irritated me.
The actual episode itself...I liked the start, where we saw Desmond get up, wander around, listen to music etc. in the bunker, without actually knowing who or where he was. OK, so at the end of the sequence, it cut to the bunker, but they have made scene cuts like that before, so until the end of the episode you wouldn't necessarily know. And also, they kept Desmond's face hidden, so it could have been anyone. I just thought that was pretty cool.
But the idea that some random guy Jack met ages ago was living in the bunker - that was weird. And by that, I mean more of a stretch than some of the weird stuff they had last season. |