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Lost (Irish Thread)

18:35 / 18.08.05
I'm not even sure of the Irish 'lither contingent let alone the subsection that may watch Lost but...
I've also been rewatching Lost as it unfolds on E4 and noticed something I completely missed previously.
Locke seemed to confront the monster and then reappear lackadaisically at the programmes close with a boar slung over his shoulder looking very satisfied.
Which lead me to question if confrontation with the beast isn't always necessarily fatal, as with the pilot, what happens?
I've guessed at some sort of outward projection of people's inner fear neuroses possibly but it seems too like a cackhanded Marvel comics plot for a reasonably smart show.
It also made me ask about Boone's dream quest? And as I don't really buy the hallucinatory head goop explanation, did Locke solely machinate the situation to trigger a similar experience for Boone?

So off we go (or possibly not).
20:08 / 23.08.05
I've guessed at some sort of outward projection of people's inner fear neuroses possibly but it seems too like a cackhanded Marvel comics plot for a reasonably smart show.

Indeed so, as does a (John Carpenter's) The Thing type explanation.

Lama glama
22:20 / 29.08.05
Tonight's was wonderful, or rather the first was. It was hands down my favourite episode so far. I felt that the second episode tonight was a little unusual, unsure of whether it wanted to play Hurley's backstory for laughs or for horror.

Favourite moment out of both episodes: Hurley and Rousseau agreeing that the numbers might be cursed. Hurley, who has been insane in the past, and Rousseau, who presumeably isn't working with a full set of tools found common ground in their belief that the numbers were the source of all of their problems. At first I thought it was nice that Hurley had his suspicions proved, however, I quickly realised that it actually proves that both characters are quite insane.

Looks like we're in for some Hatch related fun next week.
lonely as a cloud...
07:15 / 30.08.05
Did anybody notice, in the first episode, when Jin went to the minister's house to deliver the first message, the little girl was watching TV, and it was (probably) the news about Hurley's Lottery win on the telly? I mean, it was definitely Hurley on screen. I thought it was a nice touch, anyway.
But, yeah, Hurley's backstory was a bit odd. I personally found it more humorous than anything else, but perhaps I wasn't meant to...
lonely as a cloud...
07:22 / 30.08.05
Is there a character called Hatch that I've forgotten? Or are you referring to the hatch in the ground?
Lama glama
17:21 / 30.08.05
Apologies for the cardinal sin of capitalising something that shouldn't have been. Anyway, I think the Hatch (did it again!) deserves its own capitalisation, due to its importance for the season arc-that is, if the hatch story-line is resolved within this season.
lonely as a cloud...
07:27 / 31.08.05
No worries; I've missed a coupla episodes and have a hard enough time keeping track of the names...(Jack = Doc, Hurley = Comic Book Guy, Sawyer = Dickhead, Locke = Great White Hunter, Guy From Driveshaft = Hey Master Frodo)
But the hatch...yes...are there people trapped in there? And are the numbers actually bad luck, or are Comic Book Guy and French Chick just totally doolally?
21:46 / 02.09.05
I saw the repeats earlier today. A major grin split my face a few times over the course of the double episode.

I was extremely gladdened to find out that Jin didn't kill anybody as I'd previously thought and loved the parallel between how Sun protected Michael by slapping him and how Jin saved the businessman's life by beating the crap out of him. How similar in action they actually are despite their obvious differences. There was a moment (Sun reveals her mad english skillz to both her husband and the crowd) when I thought "Well there's all the tension gone out of that dynamic". But yay they managed to turn it around. All the pathos of their situation is captured beautifully, so much pathos in the episode overall- Jin's giving up his career and being drawn into the underworld for his "dream", Jin's father and their talk, the emotion mirrored on both Jin's and the girl's face after the assault.

Locke is the man with the plan. What a sagacious, lovable, enigmatic guy! The look at the eloquence and intricacies of his personal skills he was waisted in that office job I tells ya.

unsure of whether it wanted to play Hurley's backstory for laughs or for horror.

The Hurley episode was played for laughs in a way I think, the twilight zone-ish music everytime something strange happened was almost reminiscent of playful oddity of Twin Peaks. It uneased me to a level but was also lightly entertaining. Hurley seems to constantly give off the same naive affability in the face of danger that let's say maybe Sam from Quantum Leap gives off after a Jump when he says "Ohh boy". Which keeps it light despite the horror. You get me? Or am I waffling into the dark on this one?

Oh and looked away for a second what was the close up of the numbers of? The (going to have to capitise it too) Hatch?
21:48 / 02.09.05
Also on Jin and Sun's similarity: How good they both are at keeping secrets; his father, her ability to speak English.

Ha totally love it.
Lama glama
22:40 / 02.09.05
I don't think that Locke is quite the loveable figure that is at first apparent. If we examine his motives for building Claire's birthday present, we can come to one of two conclusions:

-He did it out of the good of his heart (which I want to believe, as Locke is an immediately affable character).

-Or..what I feel might be the case, he did it to curry favour with Claire. She will eventually regain her memory (just assuming here), and when she does, the important information relating to Ethan will be revealed. Locke will be privvy to all of this inside information, after cosying up to her with the baby crib.

Ooh, maybe Locke is working for Ethan..somehow. Locke is obviously now a superior physical specimen on the island, like Ethan was. Maybe when he encountered the monster in the forest it did something to him--something that it had previously done to Ethan.
12:32 / 03.09.05
I really hope not E LLama but now I'm going to be second guessing every one of Locke's good deeds and searching for small traces of menace in Terry O'Quinn's every facial expression.

I miss his funny moustache from Millenium though. Actually talking about Millenium I con't think the atmosphere of encroaching evil is as present in Lost as it should be. More menace please.
Lama glama
20:58 / 05.09.05
Yay! What amazing episodes. These two episodes show how all of Lost should be done. It combines the huge ensemble cast, getting something worthwhile for all characters to do, while engaging in the more personal back-story moments.

The second episode's ending was the only episode to make me tear up thusfar.

--I'm now taking bets on whether or not Claire will call her baby Boone.
lonely as a cloud...
06:27 / 06.09.05
Well! No more Boone. I won't miss him, though. Locke's flash-backs were interesting - just wondering how he's such a good hunter? Or did this get explained in a previous flash-back...?
Anyway, the most important thing, for me, about last night's episodes was that it underlined how not predictable Lost is. That is, it is less predictable that most other stuff on TV.
Given the Jack flashback episode, most shows would have put Jack's wife in a nasty accident and paralleled him failing to save her with him failing/managing to save Boone. But instead it was all about how Jack can't let go, whatever sort of new-age hippy crap that's supposed to be
Seriously, when he was exchanging vows, WTF was he on about? What was he "not letting go of" when he married Mrs Jack that was worthy of applause? It seemed like he was saying that he was marrying her 'cos he was afraid to let go of her, and also that instead of writing his vows he spent all his time listening to Coldplay...
Apart from all that...Locke seems to be the most interesting character in the show, what with his mad visions, obsession with the Hatch, and such. I wonder will he use the 'plane full of heroin to turn hobbit-boy into his new lackey...?
19:52 / 06.09.05 horror of it all.
And other such exclamations of woe.
lonely as a cloud...
06:54 / 14.09.05
Well, that re-cap episode was pretty useful. I missed the Ethan episode, so it was good to see what I missed out on. But the narrator really got on my nerves...
More Saeed flashbacks. I think him and Locke are the two best placed to help everyone survive on the island, really. Well, ok, they're my two favourite characters.
Ninjas make great pets
14:57 / 14.09.05
Did someone already mention this? Colour is supposed to play a part at cluing you in. Lots of Black and white references.. LOTS..

It's one of things that once someone says it you can't ignore it. Like "doesn't that jack guy have a very pointy chin"..

anyway. I like it. I thought by this stage it would be boring but nope.
19:56 / 19.09.05
Yes he does have a very pointy chin.
And damnit penultimate episode the anticpation!
lonely as a cloud...
06:44 / 20.09.05
Mmmm. Anticipation.
I wonder whether the raft is going to make it...? I was half expecting it to capsize, or get diverted straight back to land because of some bizarre current or something. And half hoping it would just blow up as soon as it got into the water...
Was kinda annoying how soppy some of the characters got. Well, Sawyer especially. He's the one I love to hate, my favourite episode was the one where Saeed stuck bamboo under Sawyer's fingernails.
Finally...has it ever been said exactly what Freckles did? Like, what her first crime was that set her on the run?
17:13 / 20.09.05
No I don't think the exact nature of what Kate did was ever revealed (although I keep missing episodes. No VCR).
I thought Sawyers characterisation was very good throughout the episode. He's not cruel without reason I don't think it's always so he can get what he wants. He just had nothing to lose by telling Jack, see how easily he screwed Kate over to get a place on the raft?
So the Black Rock was a ship? I never really expected there to be generations of "lost" people on the island. I perhaps thought that people had only begun to be drawn to island after the hatch arrived this puts a whole new spin on things.
But has the hatch crashed rather than been built?
lonely as a cloud...
06:54 / 27.09.05
Well! Season finalé last night. Was pretty gripping. I was quite disappointed with hobbit boy for taking the gear-stuffed statuette, just when he was being so heroic.
So many questions that need answers - what's in the hatch? Who were the guys that took Michael's kid? Who or what are the "others" - some sinister force on the island, or a figment of Rosseau's imagination? Wow. Come back soon, Lost! Please!
07:22 / 27.09.05
A large part of Lost is building up expectations and then confounding them later - hobbit boy might have all the heroin in the world, but I don't see him using it to get himself off...
lonely as a cloud...
07:59 / 27.09.05
This is true - but he's already had a baggie of heroin and done away with it - when he demanded his stash back from Locke and then tossed it in the fire - so it'd be a bit weak, IMHO, if he took the statuette only to agonise over it a bit and then toss it into the sea or something.
lonely as a cloud...
08:02 / 27.09.05
Having said that - they may have some other use for it. I just had the idea - perhaps they could use the smack to trade for Michael's son.
08:44 / 27.09.05
Or indeed this strongly catholic boy, who IIRC considered the priesthood might just be wanting the statue as a symbol of faith...
lonely as a cloud...
09:13 / 27.09.05
Strongly catholic boy...? D'you mean Hurley? I mean, it would probably be a safe assumption that he's a good Catholic boy, given he's Hispanic, but I don't recall him doing anything particularly religious, apart from crossing himself in the last episode when they were fiddling with the dynamite...
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
09:20 / 27.09.05
Erm..Strongly Catholic Boy=Hobbit.
10:09 / 27.09.05
yes, hobbit = strongly catholic boy....
lonely as a cloud...
11:41 / 27.09.05
Really? How'd you figure that out?
11:45 / 27.09.05
You know - the episode that sets up his past as a member of a band also sets him up as a deeply religious person, someone who regularly attends confession and who IIRC was considering religious service instead of music as a career/calling...
lonely as a cloud...
12:45 / 27.09.05
Oh, yeah...I remember that now...
Ta for the reminder
17:18 / 03.02.06
Season 2 starting Monday. Worth a bump?
lonely as a cloud...
13:03 / 09.02.06
Yeah, *bump*, why not. The US thread is too far ahead, and it'll take the UKers a while to catch up
I was very annoyed when they advertised a "start of season bumper double bill!!!" or summat like that, and it turned out we got yet another dull season one retrospective, and one new episode. It just irritated me.
The actual episode itself...I liked the start, where we saw Desmond get up, wander around, listen to music etc. in the bunker, without actually knowing who or where he was. OK, so at the end of the sequence, it cut to the bunker, but they have made scene cuts like that before, so until the end of the episode you wouldn't necessarily know. And also, they kept Desmond's face hidden, so it could have been anyone. I just thought that was pretty cool.
But the idea that some random guy Jack met ages ago was living in the bunker - that was weird. And by that, I mean more of a stretch than some of the weird stuff they had last season.
01:04 / 17.02.06
Missed the last episode. Cloud, do you know if it will be repeated by any chance? It's not on the usual Friday repeat slot.
lonely as a cloud...
07:13 / 17.02.06
'fraid I don't know, shrub. Possibly over the weekend...I think C4 has already started showing it, so they wouldn't be *that far* behind...
FWIW, a lot of this week's episode was Michael flashbacks about his son and ex-partner, Michael arguing with Sawyer, and the hatch bits from last week being replayed from slightly different angles. Oh, and when Michael and Sawyer get washed up back on the island, Jin, with his arms tied behind his back, comes running out of the forest yelling in Korean about the "udders". Which I thought was funny...
Lama glama
18:10 / 22.10.06
There was a trailer for the third season aired shortly before tonight's edition of the home for the habitually talentless, Fair City. Mostly clips of the finalé from the second season, but one or two new snippets.

I think that Ireland is going to be the first country outside of the US to get this, so now I'm definitely hold back on getting the episodes off of the net.

It starts Tuesday 31st October.
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