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The Island

Mysterious Transfer Student
10:14 / 18.08.05
Saw this last night and wanted to dissuade others from doing so, unless of course they would like to for the purpose of sharing their disdain in this forum.

Apparently it's more or less died on its arse at the box office; IMDB's figures show a budget of £120m+ and gross of around 10% of that to date.

Of course, I and maybe some others here would relish a really meaty big-budget nostalgic Logan's Soylent RollerDeath 2000 seventies-vintage dystopalooza, but evidently not that many do and this sure isn't it. Wobbly central concept cribbed from Michael Marshall Smith's brilliant, moving and authentically nasty novel Spares; clunky, and not clunky enough to be fun, dialogue with expo-dumping out the wazoo; product placement OF THE FUTURE! (invest in Michelob, Nokia and Amtrak, speculators); and most damningly, catastrophically clear evidence that Scarlett Johansson cannot act. Another fantasy down in flames.

Biggest '...oh, f*ck off' moment: when Scarlett, wandering through downtown LA, sees her doppelganger on TV in a shop window... in Scarlett's own damn Calvin Klein commercial!
D Terminator XXXIII
02:23 / 19.08.05
You've sold me on it.
07:21 / 19.08.05
Michael Marshall Smith was possibly also cribbing from The Clonus Horror; the creators of which claim that The Island is a scene-by-scene remake. Legal action is apparently underway.
07:48 / 19.08.05
I saw this on Sunday, and (on the whole) enjoyed it. I came in at around 135 minutes from my rough timing, which was probably around 30 minutes too long as the pacing seemed to falter a bit about two-thirds of the way through. There were a few logical disconnects that threw me are the couple that immediately spring to mind
When Jordan has been taken by the Laurent team back to the desert and she's lying on the medical couch, somehow they have apprehended her, transported her and prepped her for invasive surgery without noticing she has a gun? Whahuh?

There are flying bikes and hover-trains but the cars are bog-standard 2005 automobiles? Huh?
Mysterious Transfer Student
08:21 / 19.08.05
Good point, Haus. Final Girl, whom I always consult on these matters, did raise this when publicity for the film began a while back, but it slipped my mind.

One random thought: given that Michael Bay has now made one movie called 'The Rock' and another called 'The Island', is he trying to tell us he's a secret Simon & Garfunkel fan?
18:10 / 23.08.05
Total and utter crap, even worse than I imagined. It had a few components of the setup and plot that were slightly entertaining, but the wretched directing and rough attempt at a story were too awful.
Tryphena Absent
00:25 / 30.08.05
I really enjoyed it. Okay, yeah it was completely inconsistent (though h1ppychick, I think the problem you spotted can be explained by the guy who captured her clearly having turned earlier than we originally think), the scene where he's strangling Euan and the two security men appear and then disappear with no explanation annoyed me. It was also absurd... I mean how many times should they have died! In every other scene after they leave the bunker I suspect. However as a lover of both Logan's Run and Brave New World I found it quite endearing if unoriginal and it did allow you to utterly suspend your brain from thought. It was just an explosion film.

the cars are bog-standard 2005 automobiles? Huh?

I quite liked that, there was a strong focus on public transport.

What did it emphasise about the actors? Well Scarlet is pretty boring in films that don't allow the female lead much depth or intelligence. Euan finds it difficult to balance mid-accents ie. not American or Scottish but an odd combination. Steve was typecast again. Baddies don't always have a good time- I just couldn't get behind Sean in this movie. It was sad, I like an over the top baddie. I didn't hate the film and I was only bored about once every half hour, which is pretty good going for a Hollywood action film. It would have been funnier if they were still 'best friends' at the end though.
22:50 / 05.09.05
Yeah, I found I was bored by the action. I was more interested in the two main characters' discovery of a new world, one where they are fucking sexy and fucking. Sean Bean bored me greatly, especially the climax, which was one of the worst, most uninspired climaxes in history, only mildly redeemed by Scarlett's on-screen climax in bed (I have a Scarlett fetish, pardon me).

Harmless disposable shiny fun.
Jack The Bodiless
10:35 / 06.09.05
re: the 'Parts: The Clonus Horror'/'Spares' mini/pseudo-controversy... 'Parts...' is obviously not the only movie or SF concept with clones being used as an organ bank, and 'Spares' really only uses the idea as a springboard for, well, the entire rest of the story, which really has more in common with post-Vietnam style narratives like 'The Deer Hunter' and 'First Blood'. And maybe 'Magnum PI'. I don't think Smith can be accused of ripping anything off as far as that's concerned... it's a standard sf premise that provides a catalyst for his hero-protagonist to act.

The basic story structure to 'Parts...' is probably ripped off from 'Logan's Run' and other sci-fi chase narratives, as many have pointed out with 'The Island'. However, 'Parts...' isn't very well known, or very good for that matter, so it's unlikely that 'The Island' has cribbed from this film. And it's my understanding that Fiveson didn't write the movie anyway, so where he gets off is beyond me. Even without any precedent, the plot is basically an extended chase/conspiracy theory narrative. You don't need a knowledge of classic sci-fi to come up with stuff like this.

The more likely plagiaristic angle, if you can call it that, is probably from 'Spares' after all, surprisingly. Dreamworks SKG optioned 'Spares' when it was first published, and spent the entire time trying to squeeze a 'Minority Report' style sci-fi thriller out of it. When the option came up for renewal, they declined and the rights reverted to Smith again. Dreamworks then commissioned a script dealing with the cloning-for-spares issue alone, which Spielberg, after passing on it himself, gave to Bay. I could understand Smith's being fairly pissed off at this, as it's pretty much put the kibosh on being able to get anyone to option 'Spares' again, which probably paid for his house a few years back, but aside from exasperation he doesn't seem to give a monkey's. They'd only make a shit version anyway.
Happy Dave Has Left
20:31 / 21.04.06
Just saw this tonight - did anyone else think the 'speeder bike scene' was ripped off from 'Return of the Jedi'? Even sounded the same. Whup-whup-whup-WHUP-WHUP-generic futurey sounds -WHUP!

Yeah, and the product placement was super, super clunky.
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