I used to play a very simple game, as a solo passenger on long trips: pretending a motorbike was keeping pace with our car, but it was jumping from rooftop to rooftop, fence to sign to whatever. It'd do stunts, see, to avoid things like trees, projecting up from behind the fences.
I was a lonely lad, yes.
These days, pressed for something to do in a car, I'd probably play theatresports games, any of the games that don't need actual acting.
Word at a time story, where everyone has one word to advance the plot, is great. Shared story, where everyone has their own genre and gets one sentence, also good. N-words, where there's one person who is in charge, who randomly yells out numbers, and people must speak in sentences of only that length, also good, but kind of harder and more prone to people facepunching each other.
There are many others, but those three are probably the simplest, and the first two are easy to implement in almost any situation. If you have people who are interesting when they talk, and I hope you do. |