A casual player might respond to an opponent's ZO by saying: 'Zo? What does that mean?' A more advanced player would say nothing, and stick a D in front of it. In English, zo and dzo are alternative spellings of zho, a hybrid cow found in the Himalayas, the offspring of a domestic horned cow and a yak (the female is known as a zhomo). In English, zo is not a very useful word. In Scrabble, ZO is the only eligible two-letter word with a Z in it: this makes it almost as useful as QI (neither, incidentally, is allowed in the United States). (from here)
Check out this list of acceptable two letter words. If I'd been allowed AA last game (I wasn't) I would have had ADORES parallel & adjacent to STAID and landing on the triple word, the last three & first three letters overlapping to get AA, ID, DO and ADORES all at once. Which would have been nice. I said it was a word but they *wouldn't* believe me, curse my poor quality concise dictionary.
Also check out the Phrontistery which I may cross post to the 'interesting words' thread. |