BARBELITH underground

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A project for those near Cambridge (UK)

19:51 / 13.08.05
When I was at Cambridge about a year and a half ago, like many foreigners, I liked to make the stroll down to Grantchester for tea and mucking about in the orchard (much like Wittgenstein: "hot ziggity!"). In particular, I liked mucking about in the old church graveyard, and one day while there, I came across two striking gravestones side by side:

Reverend Phear


Baron Riddle

These tickled my fancy enormously, as they immediately conjured images of a kind of "Gotham by Gaslight" era supervillainy - I'm sure I'm not the only one here that can envision Baron Riddle's question-mark-shaped hot air balloon and trained orangutan ("Perplexo! Kill them!") teamed up with the gaunt, pilgrim-hatted Minister of the Sinister, Reverend Phear. What end did they finally meet, and by whose hands? Anyway...

Shame was, I never got around to taking decent photos of the headstones, and now my Canadian friends think I'm making it up, the incredulous bastards. SO: is there any 'lither near there who might be so kind as to photo the headstones and post images for me? I would be so appreciative, and I bet I wouldn't be alone. I mean, c'mon....Victorian Era theme criminals. That's pretty freakin' cool, right?
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
01:24 / 14.08.05
I've always been fond of the master second story man from my Victorian DC Heroes game, The Chimneysweep. With his pneumatic brush, spring boots, and soot bombs. The sad product of a mad genius with too much time on its hands and only one way of providing the funding for it.
09:00 / 30.08.05
I may be in Cambridge next week. Could you find the graveyard on Google Maps and send me a link. I'll see what I can do.
20:16 / 13.12.05
Behold! Here stand the graves of the notorious Reverend Phear and Baron Riddle, two seemingly dead supervillains who quietly lie in wait for midnight on new year's eve. When finally, after decades of waiting, Perplexo the trained orang-utan (now balding and arthritic with age) will escape from incarceration at Twycross Zoo to resurrect them using an ancient Egyptian amulet...

Click here for the images, taken by brother in Cambridge.

Sine, it looks like you've won the bet.
00:35 / 23.12.05
Today, dear Broomvondle, you have earned my love.
Whisky Priestess
14:30 / 23.12.05
Looking at the dates on the two graves

(Baron Riddle 1873-1917 and Rev. Phear 1829-1918)

gives me all sorts of ideas for their superhero history. Reverend Phear worked in secret in Cambridge for many years, until, in 1873 (his forty-fourth year - also the age at which Riddle died - coincidence? I THINK NOT) a young aristocrat was born who would irrevocably warp both their dark destinies ...

Phear was Riddle's tutor, mentor, and finally master when he was up at Emmanuel (1891-94), and the two men found in one another a mutual interest in roast swan, sherry, and the black arts.

For twenty years they terrorised London (don't shit on your own doorstep) under the assumed names of, variously, Professor James Moriarty, Col. Sebastian Moran and a cheeky young butcher boy known only as Jack the Ripper (whose atrocities were merely the means to provide the human blood and organs required for the two men's investigation into the occult science of prolonging life well past its natural span, a particular interest, by this time, of the Reverend's) - until, at the eve of the First World War, they realised that a greater evil than they lurked in the blood-soaked fields of France and resolved to use their strange powers henceforth only for good.

Both men died heroically in the defence of the England they loved - Riddle on the battlefield, Phear, barely a year later, in the most mysterious and bizarre of circumstances.

Which is where our story begins ...
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