Any good shops in Leeds, Deva?
Leeds isn't great for bookshops. There's a second-hand one just next to Kirkstall Morrison's, and there's a run of charity shops in Headingley (on, um, Otley Road) which consistently sell a fair range of books (ie not all chicklit), ranging from the Cancer Research shop (5 paperbacks for £1) to Oxfam Books (from around £1.99 per book). Oh, oh, oh, though, there's also Poverty Aid on Cardigan Road which has one million books for ridiculously cheap prices: I got a beautiful hard-back copy of this edition of The Poison Oracle

for, like, 50p. (The other jacket design is this manky old green thing.)
many second-hand booksellers hate the charity sector's expansion into book-selling, e.g. Oxfam Books
I can see their point with the specialist Oxfam-Books alphabetically-ordered sort of thing, but I think that shopping in proper, Bernard-Black-esque, second-hand-bookshops is a different kind of activity from rootling through the wire basket on the pavement to see if you can complete your set of Class of '84 for under a quid, and both can co-exist. (Sort of like paying for music vs free downloading - the kind of people who do the latter are more likely to do the former and EVERYONE WINS YAYY).
And speaking of:
if anyone sees/has a copy of David Britton's "Lord Horror" on Savoy pleeeeeease get in touch with me. I'm desperate
I don't know the book, I'm afraid, but I was wondering about having a central 'book swap' thread on Barbelith? There's already the joyous (and soon-to-be-revived now that I'm moving, come to think of it - I know I have a spare copy of Tendencies, for example) Free Books thread, but sometimes - like when I go to book fairs - it would be good to know if there are people who are after particular titles. I tend to pick up extra copies of Diana Wynne Jones novels whenever I see them, just in case I ever meet anyone who needs one, for example, so it would be good to be able to expand the policy in a slightly more directed way... Actually, I'll start the thread and continue this wibble there. |