Noni - Morinda citrifolia - is a fruit which is abundant in Dominica, which I tend to end up in every year on account of my dear in-laws living there...it's a really interesting looking fruit :

being quite solid, and foul tasting.
It is also, since the last half decade or so, being touted as a miracle health cure for just about everything - allergies, cancer, tumours, addictions, warrah, warrah, fishpaste etc.
OK, so it's 21st century snake oil, right? Even cleans your carpets?
It also, rather unfortunately, comes REGISTERED TRADE MARKED out the watoozi (how do I make that little 'R' in a circle?) from it's main distributor, Taihitian Noni International, and comes packaged with a network marketing angle which stinks to high heaven of 'Amway' style shite.
And it ain't cheap.
Buuuuuut, I'm not one to just dismiss such claims out of hand, deferring always to the 'proper' scientific hegemony which want me to take expensive patented drugs made in labs. This planet knows what the fuck it's doing, and seems likely, to me, to grow really useful, healing herbs in remote and hot tropical climates...my experiences with ayahuasca from over in the Temple thread have clearly demonstrated to me that plants can have unbeleivably mind boggling healing-properties, and that ancient cultures and tribal peoples are not quite as savage and superstitious as mainstream pharmaceutical employees and bursaries would have us believe.
So, if interested, just google it up and see for yourself, but I'm intrigued to know if anyone her on the 'lith has any tales to tell or knows of anyone who uses the stuff regularly or has been impressed / ripped off / whatever with its claims of health and energetic benefits.
It is, rather interestingly, the fourth fastest growing company of all time, putting Microsoft in the shade and pipped to the top only by Google, Fed Ex and Intel.
Spill the beans, if you hold 'em. |