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Error in Labour's anti-protest law

16:06 / 30.07.05
Long-term anti-war protester Brian Haw has been camped outside parliament in London for four years. The law brought in recently that was designed to remove him was badly worded and for the time being at least, he will be able to continue his vigil.

'The new rules state that, from August 1, anyone wanting to demonstrate in the area must have authorisation from the police "when the demonstration starts". Mr Haw's lawyers pointed out that his demonstration had started four years ago and argued that he did not have to apply for authorisation, even though the law was targeted at him.'

Grauniad article here.

Unfortunately they will be able to amend the bill, but for the meantime it's a little piece of good news so I thought I'd share it.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:24 / 30.07.05
Yeah, a victory for the little fella. So, how do these things work? Is amending the bill something they can do despite the fact that the MPs are on holiday or does this have to wait until term time starts again in October?
17:32 / 30.07.05
Hmm. I don't actually know but I'd imagine any change, big or small, would require proper procedure and voting, therefore a sitting of parliament. Could be wrong though ...
20:54 / 30.07.05
I think you're right, from what I've been reading.
I love this. They bring in a law specifically designed to target one guy... and it turns out he's the one guy who'll be exempt.
Not Here Still
08:58 / 02.08.05
A rather relevant blog
big city deserter
21:50 / 03.08.05
Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 has already been ammended due to errors, as ammendments are shown on the The HMSO /Office of Public Sector Information publication of the act as being made "by ammendment slip" (Link Here) but they didn't spot their mistake over the when the demonstration starts clause. I'm almost certain that it now needs an ammendment passing by parliament, and so has to wait until after the recess, as its not a slip of the line error (AKA in some case a whoops they have differnt laws in Scotland error).

(edited for spelling gaff)
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:46 / 16.12.05
Public Carol Service
Click here for more information.
Evil Scientist
10:33 / 16.12.05
I like it, I like it a lot. Think I may amble down to this one.

Fight the power. But with Christmas joy.
11:23 / 16.12.05
That's a wicked idea. Barbemeet, anyone?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:42 / 16.12.05
I'm up for it, I might actually go if I've got Barbeloids there to keep me company in the cells.
Tryphena Absent
08:16 / 21.12.05
I'm going, I'm wearing erm, a blue top, navy trousers and a black coat with white piping, a furry hood and bobbles. Just in case you don't know what I look like and spot me. I might be there at half 6 because I finish work at 6.
08:42 / 21.12.05
I have a busy busy day today, but I'll try to fit it in. If I have any energy left by 6 that is.
Evil Scientist
09:12 / 21.12.05
If you see a man with EVIL on his t-shirt. Don't panic, it's just me.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:03 / 21.12.05
Dude, if we can see your t-shirt you'll be seriously underdressed. It's freezing out.
14:57 / 21.12.05
Not gonna make it, unfortunately- the stresses of Christmas shopping have left me... well, drunk, to be honest. And drunk people are exactly what's not needed, I reckon. Wassail well, though, kids. Wassail well.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:01 / 22.12.05
Was anyone able to make it in the end?
Tryphena Absent
11:45 / 22.12.05
I went along but thought it was a bit disappointing really.
Evil Scientist
11:45 / 22.12.05
Unfortunately not. Friend of mine called and, having being turfed out of their accomodation, needed somewhere to crash for the night. So I went and got him in the car. It's my one good Christmas deed, now I can get on with the food and drink orgy without guilt.
14:04 / 22.12.05
Bugger. Maybe they could have done with a drunk crusty bloke. Liven it up a bit.

See, you try to be responsible...
07:20 / 27.03.06
Brian Haw arrested
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:18 / 27.03.06
I seem to recall from other people that they do this to him every few weeks or every month, they ask him to leave, he refuses, they arrest him, then release him a day or so later. It's panto really.

Supposedly there's a big UNISON demo starting/ending somehwere near Parliament Square tomorrow. They might be trying to get him out of the way for that, though any demonstrators/journo's who turn up for that probably know all about Brian already.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:54 / 07.04.06
Second person arrested for campaigning on Parliament Green. After Maya Evans last year.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:45 / 09.05.06
Judges rule against Brian Haw's peace vigil.
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