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Rambo III

Scrambled Password Bogus Email
14:17 / 29.07.05
Did anyone catch Rambo III on BBC 3 t'other night?

I was fucking gagging on my beer at the irony of it's sincerity...I mean, for a slice of recent political topsy turvying, it really has to be seen...check out the gig:

Troutman, Rambo's old training instructor, tries to recruit him from his Buddhist retreat to go on one more super secret essential mission to safeguard the American way...the mission?

To supply Stinger missiles to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. This, of course, so that they can fight that Great Evil : The RUSSKIES! Nasty, nasty Russia, and their invasion of these noble people's land - yes, the same Mujahideen who not a decade hence will be the Taliban of some notoriety in recent years, infamous for their flawless record on human rights etc...particularly women. The same Mujahideen of whom the most famous and no doubt in training at the time the film was made would be none other than Osama Bin Laden.

Classic lines:

Russian commander to Troutman:

'Why are you trying to help these terrorists?

Troutman to Russkie:

'These poor people, underfed, and under-armed? They're a noble people! You'll never beat them! They would rather die than be slaves under your rule!'


It's just too good to be fucking true. As a piece of Hollywood History demonstrating the fickle alliances and changing face of Evil it should be part of every curriculum in the country...
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
14:19 / 29.07.05
Oh, and the sidekick hero (apart from Troutman)?

A 10 year old Mujahideen! Who nearly convinces tough old Ramboid to 'stay around' (what with him loving fighting so uch) to help these noble foreigners defeat Eeeeeeeeevil.

It's a beauty.
Char Aina
14:59 / 29.07.05
i love that film for that.
it even has a dedication in the end credits something like "to the brave and noble people of afghanistan" that draws a few sacharine smiles.
some wag(surely) aired this on australian television about two weeks after the Us announced its decision to invade, and i have ben boring people in the pub with tales of the hypocrisy ever since.
it should, as you say, be shown to every person who doesnt accept the true nature of international politics.
hell, maybe we could make a list and set up a screening.
y'know, for kids.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:02 / 29.07.05
Yeah, that's right, the endplate :

Dedicated to the brave and noble people Afghanistan.

(PS - Sorry about the Bunker Busters)

The post script is strangely missing.
18:48 / 29.07.05
Apparently a Rambo IV is actually in the works. Who bets it's the exact opposite of this: Rambo! Versus! Terror(ists)!
19:17 / 29.07.05
Yes, despite being the weakest in an already-not-particularly-strong series of films, R3 has long had a place in my heart for this very reason. (In December 2001 I got a friend who worked at a DVD distributors to get me a copy, to see if it was as funny in the light of recent events as I thought it would be. It was.)
Lord Morgue
03:49 / 30.07.05
Anyone seen The Beast of War, about a Russian tank crew lost in Afghanistan? Eerie 80's synth soundtrack, don't know where they shot it, but the landscape looks like another planet, all wind-carved rock formations and billiard-table flat plains. Another fillum worth checking out again with 20-20 hindsight.
Bed Head
07:33 / 30.07.05
Morgue, do you mean This one? Aka this one? Never heard of it. But, wow. Weirdy landscapes and synth soundtrack + 80s Jason Patric and a Baldwin. You didn’t mention Jason Patric!
Lord Morgue
08:59 / 30.07.05
Yeah, that's the one. Hellaciously brutal violence and a script that asked too many uncomfortable questions made it unpopular at the time, but it stands up a hella lot better than Rambo's foray into the territory. If you can find it, by all means see it.
Benny the Ball
23:11 / 30.07.05
I've had a copy of Beast for ages in my collection, but never watched it - looks like I got me a movie to view.
19:26 / 01.08.05
The Beast was recommended to me in 1999 by an Afghani coworker of mine. Not a bad film, as I recall. The end is a bit "One Man Army," but is probably the most sympathetic treatments of Muslims to have come out of Hollywood.
15:01 / 02.08.05
I thought it had something to do with John Milius, who did the original scripts for Apocalypse Now and wrote & directed Big Wednesday -- but imdb is making me think I have been wrong for years.

It's a pretty amazing movie -- I absolutely loved it when I was in college... back when having the Russians be Americans and the Mujahadeen be Afghans was really subversive. (See? The Americans are the bad guys! Only, not Americans!)
lord nuneaton savage
15:12 / 02.08.05
Sounds a bit subversive for Milius. I always thought that his politics strayed to the right of Genghis Khan's?

Still, he scripted Conan and must be forgiven for that alone. Y'know, camel punching.
15:12 / 02.08.05
john milius. red dawn. go wolverines (wipes away a tear).
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