I'm in an excessively lovelicious mood at the moment; all about the virtual huggles.
Here's a new thread for you to give (via the wonder of image-posting) your favourite Barbeloids just what you thought they might always have wanted, if only they knew it existed.
I saw a t-shirt in Juxtapoz magazine that I just knew grant had to have. I can't find a picture of the exact same one online, but I did find this "Bigfooot for Peace" one, designed by the same guy:

For Olulabelle, who needs it this week, sweet apple blossom and blue skies (I hope you weren't hit by that Brumtornado!)
I really want to send a copy of this to Jack Denfeld, but will have to settle for just posting a pic of the suave gambler on the cover:

For Meludreen, some French Polish for the double bass:

For Nobody's Girl:

For Tom Tit:
for Baby Alligator: a four-poster paddling pool and a baby elephant to share it with.
And for me, some sleep now, I think. Why am I still awake? |