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The New Al-Qaeda

09:43 / 28.07.05
Panorama's Peter Taylor has a new series on BBC2 about the New Al Qaeda.
Basically a counterpoint to Adam Curtis's The Power Of Nightmares, Taylor aims to debunk the notion that Al Qeada as an organisation is a little more than a paper tiger, and argue that it presents a very real threat to the West.

The first part - - was on Monday night and focussed on the role of the internet as an organising force. There’s some interesting stuff about how a loose coalition of like-minded people can coalesce as a virtual community which can achieve much that a physical community can (as anyone here can appreciate). Exactly what this new landscape does to our definitions of what makes an organisation an organisation has pretty important consequences for our understanding of how terrorists can form a coherent group without the geographical proximity, physical contact, structure etc associated with more traditional paramilitary organisations. All interesting stuff.

He also questioned the other freedoms that most users value about the WWW. Rather remarkably, I thought, he got an interview with a Saudi exile who runs an Islamist website in Britain which carries rousing propaganda for jihadis, including videos of beheadings and suicide attacks, supplied by the insurgency in Iraq. The webmaster made no bones about its objective and efficacy as a recruiting device.
Taylor’s obvious distaste that these images should be so accessible was a little undermined by the fact that he was giving a selection of these videos a BBC2 airing, but it’s still a pressing question. Should we be free to distribute and consume videos of these things? Perhaps there’s another thread in that.

It was a well constructed programme though, I thought. And I hear good things about the next part which looks at takfiris and the Madrid bombings.

Anyway, did anyone see this? Thoughts?
10:00 / 28.07.05
Rather unsurprizingly, I watched this, although it didn't have my full attention. The interview with the webmaster, an educated scholar, was a real coup.

I'm quite torn on the issue of airing the products of extremists purporting to be Islamists. On the one hand I can see some of the problems of airing this propaganda, but on the other, I want the public to have access to the full unedited raw material, the better to see and judge for themselves. But perhaps, as smoothly suggests, this is a topic more suited to another thread...
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
10:32 / 28.07.05
The Sun rather predictably had their 'ban this sick menace' headlines the nexy day as the website section showed the suicide bombing of three british soldiers...

I mean, what are we supposed to think is going on in Iraq? Tea and cakes? Why should it be unacceptable to show the news and what happens, rather than merely describing it?

Is that another thread?
10:37 / 28.07.05
I think the relaying of those images in the programme is fair game for this thread, but I'll think about spinning the larger issue into a dedicated thread elsewhere.
16:01 / 01.08.05
Part 2 is on tonight at 9pm on BBC2.

'The Drug Dealer, the Estate Agent and the Telephone Man' investigates the bomb attacks on Madrid last year and what they reveal about the new al-Qaeda which has evolved since 9/11 and the US-led military action in Afghanistan.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:15 / 01.08.05
I really hope that between the making of part one and part two the director was blown up by terrorists with plastique laced with cyanide laced with nails stuffed in their socks and so learnt the lesson that unsteady camerawork with 'exciting zooms' that actually miss people's faces and go off into the middle-distance as well as 360 degree circling shots do not make your work seem any more exciting. Busy camerawork detracts from the message.

Part one seemed very much from the 'stuff we all (should) know' file. Hopefully part two will be more interesting.
17:56 / 01.08.05
Isn't it a different director for each part? One of this week's newspaper TV previews was saying as much, and seemed to agree with your opinion on the first one, Flowers.
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