Thought this may be of interest to a few of you, there is very limited space for this talk though so best get in fast.
Immediatist Sigilization as the Post-Modern Antinomian:
Comments and Demon-stration Against the Archons of the Media
Friday, August 5, 2005
7:15pm for 7:30pm start £5.00
Treadwells in London
In this encounter with the daemonic, the author of the Cainite gnostic grimoire, Liber Niger Legionis, considers the concept of the sigil. He looks at it in particular as reified by Spare and the Surrealists and as it has been applied by Burroughs, Hakim Bey, and their postmodern magical heirs: the sigil is a device of memetic subversion. The sigil can mediate both benign and malefic forms. The speaker looks at the Media itself as filling the role of prime God-Demon of the post-modern aeon.
The talk will make up only the first part of the evening. The second part consists of a participatory Working: an actual act of sigilization. This will be aimed at releasing the personal demons and ids from their bondage to the mediative matrix of normality. Not for the faint-hearted.
Reserve places in advance by email or phone on 0207 240 8906. Places strictly limited.
Treadwell's Bookshop, 34 Tavistock Street
Phone 0207 240 8906, or email info@treadwells-london.com
website: http://www.treadwells-london.com |