I will third the Burroughs recommendation and agree that the Cities of the Red Night trilogy are probably the most fully-realized of his unique style of fiction. Place of Dead Roads can be a little dull.
However, in the instruction manual vein, his books The Third Mind and The Adding Machine have a lot to offer anyone looking into magick, literature, art, etc. In fact, The Adding Machine is one of my favorite books of all time. It is a collection of essays that range from magick (via the cut-up), to F. Scott Fitzgerald, to the uselessness of women. It is, in my humble opinion, his most accessible, funniest, and straight-forward book. Alas, it has been out of print for years, but you can get a first edition hardcover on Amazon or Ebay for pretty cheap. The Third Mind however will cost you anywhere from sixty to one hundred bucks for paperback. But if you are the ultra Burroughs enthusiast, it is worth it because they are DAMN GOOD and DAMN RARE books. If you want to realize how rare they are, go to a good used book store and ask the clerk if these two books are in. They will laugh in your face. Yep the web is the best place to look for these classics. That's where I got mine... Wouldn't you? |