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Scrambled Password Bogus Email
22:44 / 23.07.05
Anyone seen this?

I watched it today, and at the risk of going a bit deeply into it, remembering the mess that broke out in The Incredibles thread, there seems to be a far more unavoidable political subtext at play in this movie which I personally found too distracting towards the end of the film...

I don't want to go into it unless other's have seen yet and care to comment. Any takers?
Char Aina
22:01 / 25.07.05
yeah.. it is kinda minor propaganda, isnt it?
i felt they pulled the punch, but not as hard as others might have wanted.
film was quite cool, sacha cohen was wicked.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
16:23 / 27.07.05
Yeah, it was full of laffs, no doubt, but they couldn't really escape their own Overarching Theme's once the setup was in place...and, I dunno, Alex the Lion kind of had this Mythic America thing going on that suddenly popped right out of the screen in the last 20 minutes or so...the awakened King of the Jungle, flexing his might, enraged with bloodlust, about to devour all in his path, but able to pull back and act impartially in the end, show noble restraint and save all his dainty, helpless, neurotic friends from the real Savages, cowardly little foreigner's that they are...

Having the Civilised Savages hail from New York didn't help, I guess...a tale of wild animals civilised by modernity rediscovering their instinctive might once released back into the wild where the real savages lurk...I dunno. Maybe it's just a kids film and I'm full of shit.
Char Aina
17:08 / 27.07.05
lets just pretend it was a veggie-parable, shall we?
fish being made fom tofu, obviously.
Jack Vincennes
10:58 / 28.07.05
If it's okay to hijack the thread for apolitcal readings... how did it compare to their other films, is it worth going to see? I had planned to, and then I saw a review that put me off which said they were treading water a bit, and that it was too formulaic. Is that fair, and is it still a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
11:00 / 28.07.05
Well, I took my 3 year old son, who fucking loved it, and it had, as I said, good jokes...It's no 'Incredibles' or even 'Shrek', but still a fairly fun hour and a half...but yeah, noble savages beating actual savages to save their dainty civilised friends, with a thick american accent.

Maybe I've been reading too much
Char Aina
12:32 / 28.07.05
i'd agree that it's no incredibles/shrek/toy story.
its almost a finding nemo.
it could have been slicker and funnier to my mind. it isnt the most memorable film, but it is a decent enough distraction.
i quite liked the movie references all the way through, but otherwise the script could have done with a bit of work.
that coupled with the fact that ben stiller was completely miscast makes for a six out of ten.
maybe seven if i was really stoned.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
13:00 / 28.07.05
Mm, the Planet of the apes one was a bit flat i thought, but the American Beauty raw steaks shower was nice...
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