Yeah, it was full of laffs, no doubt, but they couldn't really escape their own Overarching Theme's once the setup was in place...and, I dunno, Alex the Lion kind of had this Mythic America thing going on that suddenly popped right out of the screen in the last 20 minutes or so...the awakened King of the Jungle, flexing his might, enraged with bloodlust, about to devour all in his path, but able to pull back and act impartially in the end, show noble restraint and save all his dainty, helpless, neurotic friends from the real Savages, cowardly little foreigner's that they are...
Having the Civilised Savages hail from New York didn't help, I guess...a tale of wild animals civilised by modernity rediscovering their instinctive might once released back into the wild where the real savages lurk...I dunno. Maybe it's just a kids film and I'm full of shit. |