Well, I play several types of game, for different reasons. If I'm by myself, I'll play a console RPG, usually one that is non-linear or at least with a strong customization aspect. I'm a big fan of other worlds and strange characters, and read comic books for a similar reason. This might very well be generational, as I've seen no console RPGers who didn't start as kids/teenagers, even if they are in their 30's now...
when I'm with friends, I'll almost always be playing a P&P RPG or miniatures game, though we do occasionally break out Soul Calibur. I, personally, am not a very competative person, and don't really get into 4-player deathmatch style stuff, other than the generic fun of running around in a video game. My roommate, on the other hand, can't understand how I can play Any 1-player game, and plays games for the social aspect almost exclusively.
I think in general, some people play games because they enjoy the interaction with other people, while other people just like the nature of games, or certain types of games, and will seek them out even without friends. Video games make this possible in a way that cards and the like couldn't really capture, so, generationally, there are probably more people who play games by themselves now than a generation ago. |