this idea stirred from a recent re-watching of two of my favourite films (in a list of hundreds of favourites), within which four of the vilest villains operate and machinate.
The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover
Albert Spica by far the nastiest I've ever seen. He's loud, boorish, with aspirations of epicurianism, treating all manner of aesthetic experience with crude observation. prone to violence and degradation, he takes the prize in my pantheon of Evil.
I guess the opening scene sets the tone appropriately.
Rob Roy has the distinction of housing three nasty villains, and I'm not sure which I love to loathe the more:
Killairn, Archibald Cunningham, and Montrose. Each a despicable cad. Killairn, the plotting opportunist, Archie the self-serving fop of action, and Montrose, who puts himself above his station as he holds everyone else down to theirs.
I mean, ick!
anyone else got any cinematographical champions of vice?
>pablo |