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Worlds Apart in Namibia

Mourne Kransky
19:37 / 06.07.05
Anybody else watching this documentary in the BBC's Africa Lives series: Worlds Apart in Namibia.

The Hedgecock family have won a competition to go somewhere exotic for as holiday. So the BBC send them to stay for a week with the Himba tribe,

I am torn between slack-jawed amazement at this bit of car-crash tv, feeling like I want to slap the graceless and imperious Hedgecocks, and some sympathy for this bunch of unsuspecting Brits faced with an environment and a society they are unequipped to begin to meet even half way.

Hoping this will turn around at some point and some vestigial faith in human nature might be affirmed, in that sterling tradition of BBC documentary. At the moment we're seeing the Brits having a casual wash and brush up as a Himba explains how precious every drop of water is in their lives.
05:08 / 07.07.05
An Endemol production, no less.
lonely as a cloud...
08:24 / 07.07.05
It was interesting to see how Jodie and Glen adapted and tried to relate to the tribe, and how the father made an effort at first, but then just tired of it. And the chief's comments at the end were funny - "this family is stupid, and not worth knowing!".
Mourne Kransky
09:54 / 07.07.05
If there was any Hedgecock redemption by the end, it was that Jodie was a trouper. Local kids seemed to take a shine to her and old Elizabeth gave her a farewell present that looked remarkably like a desiccated bull's balls pendant.
lonely as a cloud...
12:15 / 07.07.05
Ugh. Thanks, Xoc - I'd only just managed to *forget* the bull castration. *shudders*
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