"Dimensions", in their classical sense, represent a measurable coordinate axis in spacetime. (That is to say, "depth" is a dimension, whereas "the dimension of the ten-foot alien spider women" is not.) Your eyes are pulling in the first dimension (let's call it width -- why not?). This is one, single dimension and as such is not a pair of coordinates but a point on a rule. The second dimension, which I consider to be height, allows you to have a two-dimensional graphspace with X and Y coordinates to specify location. That's all well and good, but of course if you take only the second dimension without the first dimension then now you have a single-dimensional point-on-a-line again -- only this time it's on Y instead of X.
Yes-yes-yes-yes! It's not a matter of one dimension being distinguished from the next, it's a more a matter of the possibilities that open up in implication as you plot more and more points.
Anyway, the third dimension is depth, classically. We'll call it Z. Now, the same thing applies to Z as to X and Y -- take away X and Y and Z is a single-dimensional line. X, Y, and Z can be plotted as a set of three coordinates. This is where our ability to spatially intuit the dimensions ends... um...
Erf. Wait. So,
With X you have a single point. A single coordinate. Practically nothing.
With X and Y, you can now graph a line. You have the points implied along the line.
With X, Y, and Z you can now graph a plane. You can imply the space enclosed within the three lines.
So wouldn't it take a fourth dimension of space to provide depth? Or am I missing something?
'Cause, anything you could possibly plot with three dimensions (or points) is going to be inherently flat, right?
Then we have the fourth dimension. The numbering becomes arbitrary at this point, per se. The fourth dimension (in my simplified little Newtonian view) is ye olde classic "rubber sheet". It's a fourth dimension of measurement of the location of any given spatial point -- X, Y, Z and, oh, I dunno, A. A is a single dimension (up and down, a single value) representing your "4-dimensional depth", as it were. This, classically, is set by the gravity in your 3-dimensional coordinates (or gravity is an affect of the 4th-dimension value of your 3-dimensional coordinates, that value being affected by the proximity of massive bodies, or something else of the sort). It affects the speed at which you pass through time (work with me, here -- it's scientifically accepted [and mathematically compensated for in orbiting computers] that time passes slightly more slowly in lower gravity).
That was enough for me for a while. Then I read how relativity is actually supposed to work (I'd treated Einstein as so much bunk up until that point -- I just couldn't figure out how on Earth he was drawing his nutty conclusions regarding the relationship between the speed of light and the passage of time) -- that is, that everything is moving at the speed of light, but its speed is divided between four dimensions. Thus, subtract your current 3-D speed (including planetary and galaxial rotation and movement ) from the speed of light, and that's the speed with which you're rocketing across yet another dimension, the one this theory treats as the fourth -- a sort of one-dimensional linear "timeline". Since light doesn't seem to age it's reasoned that all its speed is in the 3 dimensions and none in the 4th... hence the "arbitrary" decision that it's the fastest attainable speed
before time "stops".
But, if time hasn't any 4th dimensional attributes in this context, how is that it can be affected by gravity (as in a black hole)? If gravity provides for time, and light is subjectively timeless, then how is that light can be subjected to gravitational force?
Oooweee! I'm getting dizzy.
Remind your friends: Don't drink and post.
Fair enough, and I liked the sound of it right away -- but it conflicts with olde faithful, the rubber sheet. I couldn't figure out which I liked better, and I still can't. I can't seem to find a way to unite the two (to delegate either the "rubber sheet depth" dimension and the "position on linear timeline" dimension to a fifth dimension) -- if the "depth on the rubber sheet" controls your speed through a linear timeline, then fine, we can call that linear timeline a fifth dimension on which you have a measurable coordinate... but if we're all moving at the speed of light anyway, through the first three dimensions and then the linear timeline, the rubber sheet must not enter into it. Where, then, does that leave gravity? And where has my favourite theory gone?
I'm having a mutually-exclusive paradigm conflict, and it hurts terribly.
I meant this to be a brief explanation of how I see the whole dimension Thang, but it's inevitably reverted back to the crisis I've been suffering from since relativity was explained to me. 
Fix me, for god's sake, someone fix me!
I know what you're saying... The answer's got to be both! It's time for some grand unifying fields, baby!
And then there's something I read in Discover a few years ago.
Christ, a sixth dimension! Quantum bees! Someone please save me before my head caves in.
I'm serious, I can feel cerebral pressure decreasing.
Er... Is this in exception to 11th-dimensional Superstring theory? |