I'm Belgian, so I've been there several times. If you like alternative music and discovering new bands, then go. It's a large venue with 7 stages. The first night is usually filled with house/techno/dance parties. The other days offer a broad mix of dub, reggae, metal, rock, pop, dance, experimental, etc...
Since the venue is in the French speaking part of the country, the general atmosphere is quite relaxed. Which has the following advantages: easy to smuggle alcohol & weed, hardly any violence, friendly and easy-going people, ... The main disavantage is that it tends towards chaos. There's always last minute changes (sometimes not properly announced), cancellations, bands that appear out of nowhere, bands that play at a different stage or time then originally scheduled, ...
Or as the French say : "laisser faire, laisser aller". You should be able to go with the flow
[off to work, maybe some more later] |