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Pork! The Big Question?

haus of fraser
10:59 / 05.07.05
help me settle an arguement is pork a 'Red meat' or a 'White meat?'

I always catagorised it as a red meat- its derived from a mammal- anything from a mammal is red meat- ie lamb, beef, rabbit, Venison, mutton etc.

white meat comes from Poultry- ie Chicken/ turkey.

Pork- although going a whitey brown when cooked is still derived from a pig- hence it is a red meat- just like other pig meats Ham & Bacon.

sounds simple- then I asked a friend who is very into food- she replied its a white meat because you can't eat it rare- and also for this reason Duck is a red meat...

confused... I am?!

I still maintain the mammal/ Poultry divide Lithers where do you stand...

(i'm very well aware this is a strange thread but i need closure...)
11:03 / 05.07.05
you think duck is a white meat? that's mental.
11:08 / 05.07.05
It depends on your definition. In terms of whether you can eat it rare, what kind of wine you eat it with and where a butcher would stash it, but it's red meat in the cancer-causing sense.
haus of fraser
11:11 / 05.07.05
ahhh the duck things gonna throw it...

but what is pork? red or white meat?
11:26 / 05.07.05
In a completely uninformed gut feeling response I say it's red meat, mainly for the reasons Copey gives.
Also I can't imagine a doctor telling you to cut down on red meat "so stick to pork chops from now on"
ibis the being
11:30 / 05.07.05
Man, the pork industry is going to be very disappointed about the apparent lack of success of their "The Other White Meat" ad campaign.
11:35 / 05.07.05
It is a red meat. The slogan "the other white meat" was a campaign brought about in the 80's, due to red meat being discredited at the time as being unhealthy.
haus of fraser
11:49 / 05.07.05
Man, the pork industry is going to be very disappointed about the apparent lack of success of their "The Other White Meat" ad campaign.

this was a point that came up in the arguement- the collegue i was speaking with was american and told me about this campaign- to me it sounds totally unethical advertising- maybe also illegal (if the usa has the same governing bodies on advertsing as the UK- you can't make statements that aren't true- this one seems very close to the truth) yes kids Pork is good for you its a white meat- load up on Bacon, Sausages and Chops..
12:07 / 05.07.05
I've always divided it as mammal=red avian=white, although duck and pork are grey areas, I would keep them in the same camps.
13:07 / 05.07.05
...the collegue i was speaking with was american and told me about this campaign- to me it sounds totally unethical advertising- maybe also illegal...

I completely agree. What was the loophole that they jumped through to release such rubbish?

"Because of its high myoglobin content, pork is red before cooking, although it becomes lighter as it is cooked. According to the USDA, pork is considered a red meat, because it contains more myoglobin than white meat such as fish and chicken..."

From the Wikipedia
13:18 / 05.07.05
Um, I think that ad campaign was meant to be tongue in cheek ...

I don't think they were trying to pretend pork was officially a white meat or anything. And they were referring to lean cuts of pork as opposed to bacon, etc.
haus of fraser
13:55 / 05.07.05
Um, I think that ad campaign was meant to be tongue in cheek ...

maybe so?

Living in the uk i've never seen any of the campaign and only became aware of it this week. However the colleague I was argueing with seems convinced that the ad was promoting it as white meat... a dangerous thin line to be treading? should almost make it into the evil ad thread on those grounds, along with the Mchealthy option stuff.

Anyway I like the Wikipedia definition... definitely gives sound reasoning to my arguement.

so what is duck/ game poultry- white or red?
14:22 / 05.07.05
Tongue-in-cheek? Of course! Mass producers of animal by-products are often very humorous. (Did that seem as sarcastic as I meant it?)

If it was meant to be whimsical the adverts never implied it. I remember the advertisments, and they were very convincing that pork was a white meat. Remember, this was propagated during a time when red meat was being denounced.
haus of fraser
14:34 / 05.07.05
you think duck is a white meat? that's mental.

and Jub with my new found knowledge in the wikipedia i can know correctly say that duck is a white meat...

White meat refers to meat products of poultry especially the breast of chicken. However in a broader sense it includes any of the meats that are considered to be less fatty in comparison with red meats. The term white meat comes from the fact that the meat of chicken is white in color. Examples of white meat are animal proteins derived from birds (chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant, etc.), fish, reptiles (alligator meat), amphibians (frogs' legs), crustaceans (lobster, shrimp, crab) or bivalves (oysters, clams, mussels). Even those that are red, or reddish-colored, such as salmon, red snapper, or cooked lobsters and shrimp are not red meat instead they are called as White meat or lean meat. Conversely meat that turn white like pork are generally not white meat despite the famous advertisements claiming so...

Funny that they're still running the other white meat campaign...
and it doesn't look like they're 'joking' to me.
14:36 / 05.07.05
Thank goodness for Wikipedia!

"Duck is poultry and considered "white" meat. Because they are birds of flight, however, the breast meat is darker than chicken and turkey breast. This is because more oxygen is needed by muscles doing work, and the oxygen is stored in those muscles by one of the proteins in meat, myoglobin, and gives the meat a darker color. Because all the meat on a duck is dark, it has a stronger flavor than chicken breast meat--and even chicken leg meat.

< ahref= target=baaaaaah>From here.
14:47 / 05.07.05
Tongue-in-cheek? Of course! Mass producers of animal by-products are often very humorous. (Did that seem as sarcastic as I meant it?)

Well Australians are more known for that than Americans, and I'm referring to the Australian ads which may well have been different. I managed to work out that pork wasn't the same as chicken without the need of investigative journalism.
14:51 / 05.07.05
So.. Long pig. Red or white?
haus of fraser
14:59 / 05.07.05
red its mammal duffus...

15:31 / 05.07.05
Unless you listen to David Icke. In which case, what's lizard: red or white?
haus of fraser
15:44 / 05.07.05
I don't listen to icke..
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
22:07 / 05.07.05
God guys it's all about colour with you lot. I thought we'd heard the last of this type of racist ignorance.
It doesn't matter what colour they are, theyare all MMEEEAAATT!!!

Eat Meat it's a treat.
00:27 / 06.07.05
if you leave it long enough, it's green meat. mmmmm, jugged boar.

maybe we need a new colour for meats of indeterminate nature, like duck and pork.

pink meat? hey, that could get the gay market, and they've loads of cash.... hmm, have phone call to make to pork marketing authority....

my da was a butcher, as well as a cyclist of some repute (see this thread) and he called it white meat, but that could be a marketing ploy... though this was well before the 'other white meat' campaign, and even before the lamb commercials in australia that cheekily asked, would you rather mum's roast lamb, or pork with tom cruise?' of course, the lass in the ad went home... he's away at the moment, but i'll ask him.

i always thought of it as pork, as opposed to red or white meat. mainly because of the white meat and pinky rashers of bacon and ham colour... mebbe the jewish thing, though am from bog anglo stock... weird, huh?

none of that helps, really, does it? carry on....
madfigs #32, now with wasabi
04:26 / 06.07.05
This thread is disappointingly less lewd than the topic abstract led me to believe.
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