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Official Comics Writer Meet Artist/Comics Artist Meet Writer thread

20:11 / 04.07.05
for all your collaborative needs.
paranoidwriter waves hello
21:06 / 04.07.05
Cheers Ria! Splendid idea!

OK you lazy pencil pushers! What do reckon? Feel foolish enough to take on any of my stories?

If so, check out this and let me know. BTW, I have many other ideas "in the works" if nothing you've seen so far fits your style, etc.

I'm waiting........
06:28 / 05.07.05
...And on artist's night, artists drink free.
Benny the Ball
18:06 / 05.07.05
Great idea, I have some ideas that I haven't touched in a while - any illustrators interested, PM me and I'll send over some outlines or something...
11:24 / 06.07.05
I illustrate, although not very well: See?

I've got a couple of projects on the go at the moment (one of them a Jenny Everywhere story) but if anyone wants to send me a comprehensive description of what they want, and a hint at the style, I'll have a bash at it.
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