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The Flash

04:26 / 02.07.05
I’m sure everyone knows about Goyer’s Flash movie in the works. I just wanted to start a thread cause some interesting news in coming out.

So far is seems like Ryan Reynolds is onboard, which I think is a great choice.

And now there’s this on CBR:

The New York Daily News caught up with screenwriter and director David Goyer, who talked about his work on the adaptation. "Fans know there's been more than one Flash over the years," Goyer said. "There's been a lot of speculation and rumor, but both Barry Allen and Wally West will be in this movie. We're going to go into the 'Speed Force' and a lot of the cosmic aspects of the character from the more recent past. Trust me, we're going to do a lot more than have the Flash run on water and create vortexes. I have a guy from M.I.T. helping me with all of this. We're going to be playing with relativity, Doppler effects and all kinds of things like that. Audiences will be amazed."
Benny the Ball
06:33 / 02.07.05
Two things - I liked Blade Trinity, especially Ryan Reynolds, so I think that he is a great choice. Secondly, I really like the Flash. I don't read the comic any more, but loved the silver age flash, and the post crisis/legends rebirths were fantastic. Hell, I even liked the Flash tv series. I hope that they use some of the time seeming to be stood still because the flash is moving so fast moments.
The Prince of All Lies
18:48 / 02.07.05
Ryan Reynolds is the best choice I could think of for the part.. hope they don't blow it by making it cheesy.
23:32 / 02.07.05
Well, it is Goyer in charge of all of it, so it could suck. God only knows. But Ryan Reynolds would make the perfect Wally West. He was fantastic on the highly underrated Two Guys & a Girl.

Maybe we'll get a John Wesley Shipp cameo!
09:18 / 03.07.05
Alex Ross: soseriouspaintedartMATURITY
18:02 / 05.07.05
I wish they'd used the Golden Age costume.

I *seriously* think it'd look less cheesy.
20:21 / 05.07.05
>> He was fantastic on the highly underrated Two Guys & a Girl.

FYI, also on that show was Nathan Fillon, the actor who plays Malcolm on Joss Whedon's Firefly and in the upcoming movie SERENITY, although he may have been on the show when it was called 2 Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place.
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