Just read this.
Okeh, I didn't see this origin - which is, to be fair, somewhat generic in the sense that it could have been entirely predictable. The age thing with Chase vs Drummer interests me. I hadn't noticed before, but Snow and Jakita age incredibly slowly, so you can't judge time by their physicality, much. I mean, Snow's haircut implied the era more than anything, during the Holmes/Dracula/Open Conspiracy issue.
As usual, more questons arise than are answered, though the idea that Snow's purpose is the big cosmic scheme is to collect/save/preserve solidifies a lot of tangential material in the series and makes the last couple issues of Elijah more reasonable.
I don't buy into the 'Ellis lost track of the story' or that he intends to continue the series indefinitely, milking it for all the money he can. This series works much better on rereads than 'Transmet' did, certainly. The plan and pace pan out.
Was 'Planet Fiction' a rescue mission, then? I think so.
What's Dowling smell like, I wonder?
Where'd our li'l Drummer-boy get his sticks from, then? You'd think nobody'd be around or nice enough to gift them.
Is it me, or does every issue of Planetary end with a totally gleeful moment?
Is there going to be any real use or thematic point to Stone or Brass by the end of this? |