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Scientific ideas.


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03:50 / 17.06.05
(post your reply plz)
Evil Scientist
09:32 / 17.06.05
The ability to download human conciousness, store it, and upload it into a new body.

Live as long as you like, experience old age if you like (or don't). Learn everything you want to learn. Do everything you want to do. Finally humans would actually have a soul.
11:41 / 17.06.05
A button that removes caps lock?
Jack Fear
13:17 / 17.06.05
Silent velcro.
17:11 / 17.06.05
Evil Scientist - Have you read Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:19 / 17.06.05
Or Altered Carbon.

(Mod face) Welcome aboard, bobobotheanticlown. Don't want to seem like I'm getting all critical or anything, but generally the first post of a new topic should be a bit meatier than that. Care to flesh it out a little? Also, posting in all-caps is deemed to be poor netiquette--it looks like you're shouting. (Puts away tentacles.)
19:20 / 17.06.05
nothing as advanced as evil scientist's idea, but a neural dictaphone, so i can record what i think instead of having to actually say it - a dam on the stream of consciousness...

and then types it up for me...
21:56 / 17.06.05
A machine that records my dreams as I sleep.
Pants Payroll
15:57 / 18.06.05
nothing as advanced as evil scientist's idea, but a neural dictaphone, so i can record what i think instead of having to actually say it - a dam on the stream of consciousness...

Ah! I've often thought it would be great to be able to make music this way. A couple quarter inch jacks from my brain into the computer. My output would skyrocket.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:48 / 18.06.05
Something that lets you physically harm people using the internet.
Darumesten's second variety
08:54 / 19.06.05
One thing I would really love to happen is artificial eyes that allow you to take photos of what you are seeing at the moment ( well and a way to upload these pictures to the net ).
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:11 / 19.06.05
(Mod face) This is fun, but it's not really Lab--not terribly in-depth. I'm going to request a move to Convo. (Wipes fetid slime from jowls)
Mourne Kransky
11:15 / 19.06.05
I would like to have a switch in my head along the lines of the old 33/45/78rpm button that you used to get on old fashioned record players. Something like the select bandwidth button when downloading files.

Then I could fast forward through the boring shit bits of everyday life and slow down my perception of time passing when life is particularly fine.

Chimes with Einstein, does it not? Only hardwiring the difference in time apperception that we already experience but turning that on its head. Time crawls when you're having fun.
Jack Denfeld
12:23 / 19.06.05
I want something that stops time, but let's me walk around during the stop without me aging any faster, so I can put people in akward positions and punch bastards in the face , then run away, and start tinme again, and then the bastard is all of a suddden punched in the face, and I could super pickpocket people.
Char Aina
12:32 / 19.06.05
and poker.
you'd never lose at poker.
12:50 / 19.06.05
He doesn't anyway.

Praise Jack!
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:30 / 19.06.05
Jacques D'Un Feldt, may I recommend you get yourself to a bookshop and purchase The Fermata by Nicholson Baker?
Benny the Ball
13:39 / 19.06.05
Yeah, and read all about the fun of noncing up frozen women!

I'd like a reality editor, so that I could cut, print and paste things about as I wanted to.
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
13:45 / 19.06.05
The ability to download human conciousness, store it, and upload it into a new body.

Live as long as you like, experience old age if you like (or don't). Learn everything you want to learn. Do everything you want to do. Finally humans would actually have a soul.

Something similiar happens in John Varley's novel, Steel Beach. Set in the future, humans have developed the ability to change their bodies and gender via advanced nanotechnology. When people feel the need for a change, they simply nip off to the local hospital and sculpt their bodies to their desires. At one point, the protagonist of the novel, Hildy, a man, changes into a woman. If memory serves, once Hildy is a woman, she has reservations about having sex with men because she doesn't like being so "vulnerable" (Varley's words, not mine).

Steel Beach is not without its flaws, but it is a very good SF novel in that it really explores how science impacts the development of human society. Indeed, due to nanobot technology, humans can live virtually forever. However, hundreds of years of living and acquiring life experience still doesn't teach wisdom, and some people remain sick fucks.

Anyhow, to answer the question posed by this thread, I'd like it if someone would develop aromanet; ex: The ability to smell aromas off the internet. I'm an unrepentant perfume junkie, frequently buying perfume and fragrance oils through the internet. Sometimes I've been delighted with my purchases, and sometimes I've been deeply disappointed. If there was such a thing as aromanet, I could try the perfumes before buying.
14:08 / 19.06.05
"aromanet" does sort of exist - somebody developed a gadget you could plug into your computer that would receive scent data, mix up chemicals and release a smell - but it would be extremely crude compared to actually smelling things yourself. The nose is so sensitive and smelly things are so varied. You'd probably have to do it by directly stimulating the nerves, and you'd have to have some way of reading in the data at the transmitting end.

There are so many novels about personality uploading. Rudy Rucker's classic Software comes to mind immediately, which is a lot more fun than a lot of books on the subject and also intelligent ("fun and intelligent" being something Rucker does well).

There's another one by some hard SF writer where somebody uploads a simulated consciousness onto the net - the guy really plays around with the concept, with things like "what would it feel like if your consciousness was actually part of a distributed process across the entire internet? could you run it backwards, what would happen then?" and so on. About halfway through it goes really strange and philosophical and the guy becomes part of a community of virtual personalities in a virtual world that doesn't really exist because it's been switched off but that's why it exists... uh, something like that. Anyone know the one I'm talking about?
Jack Denfeld
14:09 / 19.06.05
Jacques D'Un Feldt, may I recommend you get yourself to a bookshop and purchase The Fermata by Nicholson Baker?
I'm kinda broke right now. I will try to read it at the bookstore on my next day off. Is it very long?
14:10 / 19.06.05
oh, and I'd settle for something that let me right-click on people and things and see their source code, or save them to my hard drive for later
Jack Denfeld
14:12 / 19.06.05
If you try to stick me in your computer machine, I'll punch your nose.
14:28 / 19.06.05
too late! you're already there! I have your soul in a box!
Jack Denfeld
14:29 / 19.06.05

give it back. i'll make you an ice cream.
(science should invent an ice cream maker machine)
14:39 / 19.06.05
*pokes box*
22:05 / 19.06.05
One thing I would really love to happen is artificial eyes that allow you to take photos of what you are seeing at the moment ( well and a way to upload these pictures to the net ).

i think these are called 'cameras' - digital ones upload pretty well right away and analogue can be scanned... just have to have it with you all the time. there's a message...

i also want flying cars! like, as convenient as cars, but they fly - no roads, no hitting animals (mebbe 'cept birds!) and they run on no fuel and are free and have great stereos and they go where you 'want' them to by thought control.
Liger Null
22:59 / 19.06.05
Genetically-engineered dolphins the size of goldfish. You could train them to do flips and jump through little hoops.

While you're at it, make some Sea Monkeys. REAL people-shaped ones, like on the box.
23:37 / 19.06.05
Teleportation stations, if only....

And of course the pod transportation system in the meantime.

You roll out of bed, shower, then step into your personal pod transport device. Program your destination (via brain download or some sort of low fi button pressing mechanism), the 'central computer' calculates the whereabouts of all other pods in the system, then your pod shoots down a tube at unfathomally ridiculas speed, joins one of the main pod route tubes, diverts into relevant side branch and you exit a few seconds later at your destination. Obviously having avoided colliding with anyone else travelling through the system at multiple miles per hour.

A bit like a personalised subway bullet train system, except the tubes for transport are in the sky where there is none of the trouble associated with digging lots of holes under a big city or land buying costs. Also there's no crowded platforms as the pods themselves are one or two persons big and everyone has one in their own home (the particularly lazy/rich may have several pod drop offs in their own home so they can pop down to the kitchen for a late night snack without all that stairs malarky).

All we need is the funding from an easily pliable and open to unusual (daft) ideas, government and a few comercial sponsers
paranoidwriter waves hello
00:19 / 20.06.05
Personal and instant cloning technology. I'd make thousands of p.w's, rule them and train them like a Queen Bee, and take over the world! Mwuah-ah-AH! (cough)

Do not blaspheme! DO NOT BLASPHEME!
09:30 / 20.06.05
If they were clones of you they wouldn't do as they were told- they'd probably all gang up together and torment you....
09:43 / 20.06.05
After taking over the world, then what?
paranoidwriter waves hello
12:55 / 20.06.05
If they were clones of you they wouldn't do as they were told- they'd probably all gang up together and torment you....

I'd breed them with little self-distruct mechanisms which I could activate with but a thought.

"Er...excuse me Uber p.w, but mounting an attack across a frozen lake is, well, dangerous..."

*sound of head exploding*

"OOO---K. Right then, anyone else got any bright ideas? No? Didn't think so...So as I was saying, I'm not sure if we need weapons. I reackon if we just smile at the enemy and....."

After taking over the world, then what?

The Multiverse!
Char Aina
13:10 / 20.06.05
and then even your HTML wont dare betray you!!
Char Aina
13:11 / 20.06.05
own up.
who fixed that for him in the last ten seconds?

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