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A Life in Scars


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Jack Fear
12:10 / 16.06.05
Left ear (1993)
A small hard knot in the lobe, the surface still dimpled. The remains of a long-closed piercing (ca. 1987).

Right forearm (1984)
V-shaped notch about the size of a thumbprint. Backhanded fist through plate glass, yanking the start-rope of a lawnmower while standing too close to the kitchen window. Avulsed skin flap: eight stitches.

Face (1976)
Half-inch vertical line on bridge of nose, nearly invisible. Struck face against metal food-tray slot in jail cell. Cub Scout field trip to local police station cut short by trip to emergency room: two stitches.

Left hand (1974)
Inch-long irregular lump at edge of third knuckle, ring finger. Go-kart accident. No medical intervention.

Abdomen (1970)
Three-inch horizontal line, left side, just above pubic bone. Surgical incision. My first (and so far last) major hospital experience—an inguinal hernia: six stitches.

Groin (1966-1967)
I was a girl in the womb, as were we all. When my boyness asserted and extended itself in a hormonal flood, my ladyparts sealed like a wound, leaving a puckered seam—marking me, a scar to remind me of what I was and what I lost.

Evil Scientist
12:23 / 16.06.05
Scar on forehead (1982) Ran into a wall with a towel on my head whilst pretending to be a ghost. Five stitches.

Surgical scar on left side of abdomen (1987) Removal of appendix.

Pencil lead lodged in left thigh (1988) Inadvertently stabbed myself with a very sharp pencil whilst at school and thought I was going to die of lead poisoning. No medical intervention.

Faint scar on back of left thumb (1996) From messing about with a Swiss Army knife. No medical attention required.

Numerous faint burn scars on inner forearms (2001-2003) From catching them on pipework being steam-sterilised at 120+ degrees C. These days I wear the damn protective arm guards.
12:39 / 16.06.05
Scar just above groin:
Particularly noticeable when it crosses into my pubic hair. From a hernia operation around 1986.

Scars on knuckles (fading):
I say they come from my previous life as a bare knuckle boxer, but really they're from a bike accident circa 1988.

Triangular scar on back of left hand:
From where Andrew Humber stabbed me with a pencil for no good reason in 1993.

Many thin scars of varying length on upper right arm:
Results of a bout of depression in 2002-2003.
12:54 / 16.06.05
Half-inch scar in centre of forehead (1978)
Fell down stone steps in backyard at age of three, with a little help from my older brother. Three stitches.

Quarter-inch knobbly scar on inside of left elbow (1980)
I had plaster on my arm for 6 weeks due to a broken wrist and a pointy bit of the plaster was digging in the whole time.

One-inch scar on hair parting at side of head (1983)
Was tripped while playing tip at school and hit head on corner of building. Two stitches.

Knobbly scar about the size of a fingernail on front of right shoulder (1990)
This was from the first chicken pox blister I got and I scratched it without thinking, not knowing what it was. The resultant scar certainly put me off scratching any others.
Alex's Grandma
12:54 / 16.06.05
Lump on jawline, sustained while falling face foward onto table at a friend's engagement party, somewhat drunk.

Front teeth(1991)
Not a scar strictly speaking, but crowns where the two on the left hand side used to be, following an incident while attempting to cross the fence on a dual carriageway's central reservation - 'What's this powder in my mouth... Oh, right...'

Right eye(1980 ?)
Scar sustained while being chased round a table-tennis table at school, having slipped on the lino.

Above left ear(2000)
Long scar under the hairline. Again, I got this while falling face forward into a glass table - I seem to have done that a lot...
13:49 / 16.06.05
Right eyebrow Small diagonal scar from falling and cutting open an artery (try it sometime! it's spectacular!) on an pointy stepping stone.

Left eyebrow Faint scar from a drunken fall down some stairs, resulting, not in concussion, but in waking me from a three-hour-long blackout brough on by an earlier fall in the pub.

Left arm One large straight horizontal scar and lots of small whitish ones plus a few burns, self-inflicted during a bad patch a few years ago.

Back of head One fingertip-sized dent, caused by friendly fire (a brick) during a riot a few years ago. That was an embarrassing night in casualty.

Inside bottom lip A lumpy bit which is invisible but I can feel, caused during a fight at school.

Left shoulder Scar from BCG vaccination- wouldn't be worth mentioning if it didn't look a bit like the Ace Of Spades.

Right forefinger Faint straight line, all that remains of me nearly severing a fingertip while trying to pledge undying fealty with a bunch of friends, none of whom were quite as drunk as me. And, ironically, none of whom I trust anymore. That was an equally embarrassing night in casualty.
8===>Q: alyn
14:24 / 16.06.05
In the neighborhood where I grew up, there were gremlins who lived in the cracks in the sidewalk and grabbed the heels of little boys who talked too much. See also, forhead, upper lip.

Left Ear
Removal of cyst. It looked like a green ginger root.

Insides of cheeks

Right Wrist
Whilst loosening a sticky window one summer evening, my hand slipped and shattered a pane of glass.

Right Wrist
Stabbed self with Exacto Knife at internship.

Left Index Finger
Repeatedly sliced off side of finger w/Exacto Knife at internship.

Left Thumb
Cut with dagger--thumbprint even more unique!

Right Pinky Knuckle
Burned with sparkler at summer camp.

Right Knee
Weird hairless patch from really bad spill while learning to ride bike.

Both Shins
Jagged bumps along ridge of both shinbones from various collisions.

Right Heel
Stepped on belt buckle while cleaning room.

Left Big Toe
Stepped on razor clam while sprinting on sandbar.
14:47 / 16.06.05
What are you, the fucking Morlocks?
14:56 / 16.06.05

Centre Forehead
Hit "accidentally" in the middle of the head with a garden spade by my dad. (1988)

Lower Lip
Was running back into the house at full tilt when I slipped, fell and split not the lip but the skin under the lip all to shit. (1991)

Tip of forefinger, right had
Finger, exacto knife, concentrating too hard (or not enough!) (2002)

Lower Left Leg
Two-and-a-half inch below the kneecap. I was climbing over the back fence of our house into my nan's. Too bad there was an exposed nail that decided to climb into my leg. Luckily my shin stopped it going in further and it just scraped up against the bone and came out. (1992?)

Lower Abdomen
Above the right hip, hernia scar from helping my dad push the lawnmower. I was four (1988)

Stitches to date: none I can remember, but I guess 3-5 for the hernia op.
Tryphena Absent
15:01 / 16.06.05
Right forearm- burn obtained while travelling down Helter Skelter slide at great speed. First and last time on Helter Skelter. Bastarding world.

I have a few recent scars on my left arm but they were all small burns so they'll be gone soon. I don't scar easily, as is evidenced by my BCG scar, a tiny white dot on my arm. So that Helter Skelter burn was really bad.
Fist Fun
15:02 / 16.06.05
Right wrist (1990)

2-inch highly visible scar. Result of hand through door incident.

Back of left leg(1989)

A trailing leg cut by wood on beach.

Right thumb(2003)

Small scar. Opening beer bottle with pocket knife.

Left wrist (1989)

Small circular scar. Result of fight.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:05 / 16.06.05
Mind (Boxing Day, 1985)

Deep emotional and sexual scars as a result of finding my father "wrestling" with the au pair on the rug in front of the fireplace. He told me they were only "playing a game".
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:07 / 16.06.05
She was Danish. Since that day, I cannot smell bacon frying without feeling a little strange.
15:14 / 16.06.05
Right Hand- Two scars from barbed wire trying to jump a fence as a kid.

Right Elbow- Nasty fall into gravel in Church parking lot as a kid

Tongue- Was running along picnic tables and slipped, bit down...., also while i was kid

Penis- a not too amusing episode with my zipper as a child.

Left Temple- Scar from an errant throwing star, My brother apologized of course.

"how does any kid live past the age of 12?"

Left Hand- Scar across first three fingers from sword fight in the back yard with my best friend.

Left Palm-Four inch scar where my ex-wife tried to stab me (no, really)

Stomach- small scar where i got my skin stuck in the slide of an old 9mm i was trying to clean for a friend.

Rigt Arm- 2 inch scar from an uncooperative piece of sheet steel i was using for my sculpture.
15:16 / 16.06.05
Sax: What are you, the fucking Morlocks?

Nah, Strontium Dogs.
A fall of geckos
15:21 / 16.06.05
Damn. Most of my interesting scars are mental.

I do have a chisel mark across a couple of fingers from my right hand that dates back to woodwork, 1984.

Last month I was hit by a scooter courier on Oxford Street and gashed my right cheek. It looks satisfyingly like a duelling scar and I quite like it. Unfortunately it's already vanishing, and is probably going to heal completely.
15:33 / 16.06.05
where would I start? I scar very easily, so every cut and scratch scars for at least a few months, if not permanently. and they're positively all over.

none of them have cool/interesting/stupidly funny stories behind them anyway.
15:52 / 16.06.05
Back of head: Three inch horizontal scar, was hit by car while on bicycle in front of my own house while my mother watched in horror from the front yard. Four days in hospital with skull fracture, but no stitches. Age 6.

Forehead: 1/2 inch horizontal scar, ran facefirst into concrete culvert while sliding on ice. No stitches. Age 9.

Right palm and right forearm: One 1/4 inch diameter scar each, where doctor decided best approach to odd skin growths was burning them off. Age 10.

Right knee: One inch horizontal scar, fell down in skating warmup and stabbed self with own blade in the process. Did two more laps of the rink before realising I was leaving a trail of blood. Three stitches, no freezing. Age 11.

Left index finger: Scar next to finger nail, bread-cutting accident. Knife stopped when it hit bone. Three stitches. Age 12.

Neck, two inches below left ear: Two inch horizontal scar, result of lymph node biopsy. Age 14.

Neck, above collarbones, and two inches below left ear: Two five inch horizontal scars, two 1/4 inch diameter scars. Surgery to remove cancer discovered when lymph node biopsied turned out to be a tumour. Age 14.

Right index finger: Closed fingertip in boyfriend's Swiss army knife. No medical attention sought (dad hated the boyfriend, so I couldn't tell him about the cut). Age 17.

Neck, three inches below left ear: Two inch horizontal scar. Surgery where lump grew back where first tumour found. (Not cancer this time.) Age 18.
Mourne Kransky
19:52 / 16.06.05
I am a physically perfect specimen of manhood.

With the merest hint of imperfection to make me seem accessible to you lesser mortals.
Imperfections such as pronounced scars on my right knee from my bike skidding on a mouse when I was a boy and I had gravel embedded in it.

Cicatrice from a deep cut, obliquely to inside of index finger left hand, when I was a boy. I am convinced that scar can foretell bad weather.

About a dozen healed-over ear piercings in right ear. They remain, years after the fact, like bobbles in Shantung silk. Also massive damage to one nostril from the ring through my nose I wore through the early nineties. Too alarming to describe. Fortunately all the other piercings have smoothed themselves over gracefully.

Otherwise, as I said, looking pretty damn gorgeous and fresh from the Mattel Factory.
20:08 / 16.06.05

Born with bilateral indirect inguinal hernia. Operated on in the first year of life, leaving with two extreeemely faint hairline scars in the groin.

Small but noticeable pitting from acne. Bastard zits.

Six single-suture scars on my back, and one on my neck. Having been born with loooads of moles, I decided to have them all removed at one go, before embarking on my medical elective to Australia (which doesn't have much of an ozone layer at all). All done in the local anaesthetic theatre, by a surgeon who'd previously taught me. Most memorable was the one on the back of the neck: blood trickled downward, around my neck, giving me the appearance of having had my throat cut. Didn't realise this until afterwards,

Clearing up after a party, I was carrying three wine glasses in my right hand when I dropped one - and instinctively reached to catch it. Unfortunately, one the glasses in my hand shattered, pushing the tip of the shard into my right palm, almost perfectly centrally. A month or so afterwards, I noticed the small hard lump and asked hospital colleagues to x-ray my hand, to check there was no glass left in the healed wound. There wasn't.

That's it, I think.
Red Cross Iodized Salt
21:04 / 16.06.05
Abdomen (Age 25)
Long puckered ridge of gnarled flesh surrounded by nasty looking divots. Result of surgeon who removed my appendix letting an intern close the incision with poorly placed surgical staples.

Left forearm (Age 23)
Collection of jagged, thin lines of slightly puckered, light skin. Very faded now, will probably be gone in a few years. Result of fending off an attempted glassing during altercation in dodgy club. Better arm than face I figured.

Left nostril (Age 15)
Visible divot that looks like the result of a badly performed piercing. Result of girl on whom I had a huge crush but who just wanted to be friends piercing my nose very, very badly.

Right thigh (Age 10)
One inch long oval section of white, papery looking skin. Result of gouging self in leg with stanley knife while attempting to be 'helpful' and stripping / rewiring all plugs in kitchen.

Right calf (Age 6 or 7)
Two inch long oval section of white, papery looking skin. Result of stabbing self in leg with steak knife while attempting to emulate Lion fighting scene from Tarzan film with household cat. The cat was uninjured.

Underneath lower lip (Age 5)
Slightly raised, curved ridge that can be felt but not seen. Result of lighting an imaginary cigarette with a functioning, non-imaginary car cigarette lighter.

Scar causing incident free since 1999....
Whisky Priestess
21:39 / 16.06.05
Jack, what an excellent and rather poetic idea. I feel as though I know and love you all that little bit more now that I can picture your distinguishing marks.

So, top down they go:

Scalp (1981/5)
Result of my sister having watched too many cartoons and deciding to pull away my chair as I went to sit down. I hit my head on the radiator and had to go to the Dutch equivalent of Casualty (forgot the word for it). I was very disappointed not to have stitches.

Tiny, almost invisible scars at the bridge of my nose and sides of my jaw from surgery.

Right shoulder(1982/6)
Round white lump of a chickenpox scar. Scratch scratch, bleed bleed.

Left tricep(1988/12)
Round white lump of a BCG scar. Everyone has these I reckon. Even Sharon Stone. True! (Check out any given sex scene in Basic Instinct)

Left index finger(1997/21)
White, tranverse, 1cm long, self-inflicted through stupidity. I was trying to cut through the stems of some flowers with a serrated kitchen knife preparatory to putting them in a vase and sawed into my finger. No stitches but there are still blood spatters on the ceiling of my mum's kitchen from where I shook it frantically going "OOOOOOOWWWWW!"

Right ring finger(2003/27)
Wedge-shaped white scar from when I was washing up a glass and it broke in my hands. Glass cuts are bad and it wouldn't stop bleeding so I went to my local Casualty, where I was very lucky indeed to be seen and stitched up by a handsome blond Swedish doctor whose goal in life was to be a hand surgeon.

Thighs (1990-93/14-17)
Many thin silver stretch marks from growing.

Left shin (1994/18)
One-centimetre oval scar on front of shin, about halfway down. I was biking back from a 6am rowing practice on the towpath by Folly Bridge and encountered another cyclist on the blind corner. I was so tired that instead of turning left into the bushes, I turned right into the river, where my left leg and my bike got trapped between the river bank and the mooring bars. Left massive bloody scrape on my shin and permanent cavity in the muscle of my left thigh. Needless to say, I gave up rowing soon after ...

Right big toe(1989/13)
White scar across the base, looks like a fold line. Stepped on some glass while swimming on Brighton Beach as part of a school field trip (I think they were trying to kill us all). There was no stitching but some nerve damage, and even now the left half of the toe has no feeling in it.
Essential Dazzler
21:49 / 16.06.05
Left Ear (2000)
Half inch long lump in the gristle ear the top, from when my glasses sliced into it after having my head thrown against a table while wrestling in a classroom

Left Wrist (2003)
A lump just under the skin. It's a splinter left over from a drunken walk home jumping into hedges.

Left Forearm (2004)
Half inch wide, three inch long patch of little white scars and darkly discolored skin, from an Absinthe fueled fence interaction that I do not remember.

Hmm, all on the left. Is the universe telling me to renounce my liberal ways and vote Tory?
22:59 / 16.06.05
no-one else missing bits?

1988 lopped (or rather squeezed!) the top joints off the left middle and index finger, caught in a winch. ouch.

then chronologically,

19[cough] scar on chin, fell from cot as an infant. stop laughing. [i have passed it off as a battle scar from my skinhead days in sydney, but all i did was skank to ska, drink cider and never fought, so that is an utter lie!]

1975 appendix operation, scar on abdomen. i was in fucking tweed heads hospital on the day of the granville train disaster - i grew up in granville and that was the only thing to ever happen there, while i was away! dammit...

late 70s, early 80's several small nicks across hands from hooks, carrying meat in my dad's butcher shop.

late 70's (79?) scar on left index finger from removal of gangling (on the lower part, that is still there!)

that is about it, unless you count the discoloration and perpetual skankiness of my right big toe nail from a freezer door falling on it while barefoot in 1990. fifteen fucking years and it still hasn't ever healed.
07:28 / 17.06.05
Whisky Pristess: Round white lump of a BCG scar. Everyone has these I reckon

I don't, I had my jab as an infant bacause my mum was friends with someone who had TB. The advantage of this was I was also immune from those at my school who considered it the height of wit to punch the arms those who had just had their BCG.
07:48 / 17.06.05
Nor I - I was either immune or allergic. I forget which. Thus, I am either Wolverine or Typhoid Mary. Or something.
paranoidwriter waves hello
08:17 / 17.06.05
splinter - in my back, from jumping over a dodgy fence and scraping down the other side when I was seven years old. This particular splinter was so big and deep, it was too painful for my Mum to get out with tweezers (I've always been crap at pain). So we decided instead to clean it as best she could, leave it, keep an eye on it, and see if it started to force its own way out.

I completely forgot about it until just now, and I'm wondering whether it's still there after years of patient burrowing, only a millimetre from my spinal cord, waiting...

My back hurts. I'm off for a lie-down.
lonely as a cloud...
08:18 / 17.06.05
My more interesting scars include two on my back from nasty abscesses, and one on the inside of my mouth - on my left cheek, just below my lower teeth on both the cheek and the gum. My brother punched me in the side of the mouth when I was about 16, and I had braces at the time; flesh met metal and was sheared. I had to get stitches for it (about 4, I think), but the didn't really work. It's not at all visible from the outside, but I know it's there.
Hattie's Kitchen
08:45 / 17.06.05
Age 5: small scar on underside of chin. Fell off my bike, banged my chin on floor and had to have stitches.

Age 8: left wrist. Fight with boy at school, he bit my wrist and pulled away some skin. I kicked his ass though so it wasn't too distressing.

Age 9: large visible circular scar tissue on left ankle - yet another bike incident. Fell off my racing bike which had pointy metal pedals, which gouged small chunk of flesh out of my leg.

Age 10: two burn scars on right knee. Larking about with mates who had genius idea of setting light to a plastic bucket full of rubbish then swinging it round on a pole. Guess whose leg flaming bucket landed on.

Age 10: tip of right thumb. Building an Airfix kit (such a tomboy...), was using scalpel blade to cut some parts and blade slipped, neatly slicing thumb in half.

Age 21: above bridge of my nose, inbetween my eyebrows. Had a drink-fuelled argument with my sister, crockery was thrown and a mug was flung at my face, smacking me right between the eyes, shattered on impact and left me with faint scar.

Age 24: left eyebrow. Remnants of old eyebrow piercing.
12:11 / 17.06.05
Forehead - half inch scar - 1980ish - Zooming around my house thinking I was invulnerable before my head met the edge of a table - just two stitches. I have a very early memory of my mum waving all sorts of Mr Men books in my face to try and shut me up. Bribery unsuccessful; the nurses said I screamed the A&E down.

Hernia scar - 5 inches 1999 - Not the best bit of needlework I've ever seen, but it's below the pubes so it isn't too bad

Forehead scar #2 - 2002 - Got drunk, tripped up and cracked my head on a crate of lager on the floor of the kitchen. Cruel. Mate walked in saw me dazed and covered in blood and strated asking his girlfriend why she's beaten me up. He was more drunk than I was. No stitches as I didn't fancy a trip to A&E, I regret that now as it's a bit ugly
unheimlich manoeuvre
12:20 / 17.06.05
Four stitches right bicep from when a BLUE nodule was surgically removed as teenager. Doctors never explained what it was.

Two large bald patches on front of my neck where my beard doesn't grow. Cause unknown but may have involved alcohol and fire.

Small scar on left wrist. Attempt to cauterise wasp sting with cigarette while intoxicated. How stupid am I?

That's about it as far as I can tell. I've been lucky.
Benny the Ball
13:02 / 17.06.05
Right Eyebrow and just above eye - bad balance as a toddler, fell onto table corner.

Nose - broken, and scar on left side, front - broken from football elbowing incident, scar from having a charming young man through a glass in my face in a bar in Reading for no real reason other than he was a little bit drunk.

Right hand, side by the little finger, inch long scar, uncertain of origin.

That's it, well, apart from the emotinal scarring as well of course.
13:39 / 17.06.05
That's it, well, apart from the emotinal scarring as well of course.

Well yes, but that's possibly rather an industrial sized shipping container of worms to contemplate opening here on Barbelith...
13:42 / 17.06.05
I was in Wales when it happened. I remember the weather and that it was winter and the new year was near. I tried to ignore the pain that arose as a consequence of closing the door of the car with my thumb trapped inside it, because it was the first time I had met his mother and his brother and I did not want to make a bad impression. We were stood on the castle when 2001 appeared, I remember that still, and now I have ridges in the fingernail of my thumb which will never leave.

Sometimes I feel like my whole body is still covered in chicken pox scars, white speckles left over from 1986. They litter my torso, but the one I notice the most is the one on my left wrist, a white dot I sometimes imagine to be a nose, since just above it are a few small moles that could be two brown eyes.

I may reveal more scars later.
13:55 / 17.06.05
Wow, where to start...

Forehead, right side
Lump caused by bicycle mishap, age 7. Result of an attempt to ride down the concrete wall of a dry wash in Arizona.

Forehead, left side
Dent caused by bicycle mishap around age 12. Result of a failed attempt to bunny-hop over an open manhole.

Left thumb
A thin but jagged scar on the side of the thumb. Cut myself with an X-acto knife while attempting to trim leather straps for sandals while helping my dad, age 4.

Left index finger, tip
A semicircular scar on the back of the fingertip, terminating at the nail. Result of attempt to carve a stamp from a wine cork with a pocketknife, age 7. This was quite deep, but no stitches used - treated by parents with mercurochrome and athletic tape. A singularly painful memory.

Left index finger, between first and second knuckle
A thin, sharp line of a scar running diagonally across the back of the finger. Slashed by a friend while playing with knives, age 13.

Meat of left thumb
A small, circular white scar. Shot with rock salt while attempting to joyride on a farmer's tractor, age 15.

Left index finger, side, between first and second knuckle
An oval scar around a 2cm-long strip of flesh detached while attempting to remove a doorknob, age 21. I couldn't find a screwdriver that would fit to push down the little button, so I used a dagger, and slipped. The interesting thing about this one is that the section of flesh (about 4mm thick) was completely detached but has actually regained feeling, showing that nerve connections can actually regrow. No stitches, reattached with antibiotics and athletic tape (again.)

Back of left hand, numerous patches of papery skin
Dropped while being carried around a building in a team race in boy scouts, age 13. Hand was caught between the log on which I was riding and the concrete.

Left shoulder, small round white scar
Same load of rock salt, age 15.

Right index finger, between second and third knuckle
A short linear scar on the inside of the finger. Ran my hand into a sharp piece of metal moving a pair of Beverly shears in a friend's shop while making armor, age 16. This must have severed a more major nerve, because I lost all feeling in the side of that finger for several years and still have a sort of tingly numbness on that side of the finger.

Right middle finger, first knuckle
A diagonal scar across the side of the knuckle. Ran my hand into the side of a grinding belt while roughing out a knife blade (I used to do some blacksmithing.)

Right index finger, between first and second knuckle
A jagged diagonal scar running across the back of the finger diagonally. Smashed my finger between a brick and the crowbar I was wielding while demolishing part of a house I was rebuilding in India, age 27.

All knuckles, backs of hands
Small scars from gobies (little nicks and cuts) obtained while crack climbing.

Inside of right forearm
A short lateral scar obtained in a knife-throwing accident, age 16. The dagger bounced back from the stump I was throwing at and stuck into my arm. A very unnerving wound, because despite being quite deep it didn't bleed at all.

Both forearms, numerous tiny burn scars
From arc welding and smithing without wearing long sleeved shirts, ages 15-20.

Both shins, too numerous to count
The usual boy-scars from skateboards, bicycles, etc. I think I'm still getting new ones currently as results of my ongoing process of learning to unicycle.

Curved scar on torso below right armpit
Unknown origin, which is odd because this scar is about 4 cm long and quite obvious. No recollection of the wound that caused it, though.

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