Marvel: Doom
'Cause he's Doom and all, Van Damme be damned. And Doom really is Richards. Yes.
Wildstorm: Whoever it is keeps doing things like screwing over the visceral bits in late-Authority (Vol. 1), resurrecting Gen 13 in not-particularly-good-at-all series by Claremont, and green-lit the Jenny Sparks mini - which had a few interesting bits, but still.
Greatest unseen villain lurking behind the scenes in the metaverse of our reality, or something.
DC: Darkseid.
Kirby's antilife-equation-seeking New God of Evil, Oppression, and allatgoodstuffsbabyyeah. He who's waiting to give us all our Severin's pay. The sitting in an easy chair reading not-Mein-Kampf, inspired Vader and Thanos, not to be confused with Doug Side, manic self-promoter and patient, potent, voracious bastard. Die for Darkseid!
DC: Ten Fingered Man. 'Cause you just know he's the kind of ass who'd keep sticking his eye-tipped fingers in your face at random moments, just to irritate and creep you out. 'Dude, getcher eyes outta m'face,' and all.
Wildstorm: Father. 'I kill ye with lecture!' Died in his one appearance, got his Nazi-lovin' creator shot and frozen, misquoted Nietzche all over the place, had half his face missing.
Marvel: Sublime. With one sweep of his mighty wordprocessor, Grant Morrison successfully killed the central conceit of the X-Men. And had Beak, essentially, claim to be pimping the evo-static godboy. Not that anybody believed him. And of course, in the end, Sublime seems to've won out anyway. See recent issues of Uncanny for example(s). The point of pushing the envelope should not be just to put everything back in the envelope at the end. |