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Global Frequency Pilot

12:12 / 13.06.05
The Global Frequency unaired pilot did hit the internet sometime last week...
Those who are interested in looking at how it translated to TV can search for it on BitTorrent sites or on Emule.

Please, don't move this thread to TV/movies, it's really a comics topic.
12:17 / 13.06.05
You mean, in the sense of it being a TV show?

So -have you seen it? Is it any good? Does it bring anything from its comic origins that adds to the experience of Global Frequency as a TV programme?
12:49 / 13.06.05
nope, didn't see it yet... but I'd like to add something from Warren Ellis, direct drom his Bad Signal list :

"No, I am not going to give you a
torrent link to the GF pilot.

No, I don't care that the screener
is out there. Not my problem.

I am now locking those who ask
these questions out of my email.
Also, the subliterates questioning
my reasons for not watching it or
passing on links.

Further, I am informed that fans
are talking about attempting to
bring pressure to bear on WB
to get the thing on the air. I want
nothing to do with that behaviour,
thanks. And I won't be questioned
on it, okay? It's very nice of you,
and I'm positive that the creators,
cast and crew appreciate it
immensely, as everyone worked
their guts out on that show out of
sheer delight in the material. But
I won't be associated with any
grassroots movement. Show's
12:52 / 13.06.05
And it's a Comics Topic, in the sense that it's first and foremost intersting to the comics readers, the GF fans and second maybe to the TV fans that never heard of GF...
Aand IMHO, apart from the big machines like Batman, the comics movie adaptation therads should all be in the Comics Folder...
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:58 / 13.06.05
That's because you're a simpleton.

Could a comics moderator please move this thread to TV & Film? Ta.
Haus of Mystery
13:01 / 13.06.05
A tad harsh?
13:10 / 13.06.05
fuck you.
I don't spend my time looking on all the topics for something I may be intersted in. I have a life.
Maybe you should have one. It's cool.
Evil Scientist
13:12 / 13.06.05
It's a pity it didn't get past being an unaired pilot. Still, no worries eh? It probably wouldn't have been the 18 certificate Thunderbirds I was hoping for.

I can understand Ellis not wanting people to harrass WB over it, he probably wants to keep them sweet in case any of his other work get the opportunity to jumpstart a tv show.
13:16 / 13.06.05
Louise, you really are gonna have to learn to control that temper.

It'll get you absolutely nowhere on Barbelith.

That said, way to fucking antagonise the guy, Fly.
13:18 / 13.06.05
That's exactly my feeling. Ellis has other projects that are soon to be optionned, if I remember well.
And I'm sure a badly handled support program in favour of GF could kill those...
The Falcon
15:28 / 13.06.05
I'm sorry everyone's on your ass, Louise. Most've them are nicer after you stick around for a bit.

(A not unreasonable, if slightly untidy request, I think fwiw.)

(On/T)What the fuck flew up Ellis' ass? Did he see the Times response to the Millarworld - I'm guessing here - response to the 'comics hate women'/Sin City piece? That would make sense, I suppose. Grumpy old cunt, still.
15:56 / 13.06.05
Firstly, yes, I agree, the proper place for discussing pilots for TV series is Film and TV forum rather than the comics forum. In this case the medium is the message.

Secondly, I'm surprized that anyone is surprized by Ellis's reaction - he's always been like this on his old forum.
16:10 / 13.06.05
Louisemichel has been a member of Barbelith for almost exactly as long as you, Duncs.

I know not of the reaction of which you speak, although given that we're talking about Millarworld I imagine it wasn't pretty. Ellis, I imagine, is in part terrified that one of his more ennthusiastic fans will do something so atrocious that he will never be looked at again for employment or options in television that will make him serious money. More broadly, he might see this as a lost cause, and want to keep the fanboy powder dry for a more winnable campaign.

More broadly again, I'm not sure how valuable the push of fanboys is... they couldn't save Enterprise, which still had a lot more viewers than Global Frequency had readers. Possibly the networks have realised that a fan writing in does not represent a dozen or a hundred people who have not, which was generally how letters were interpreted - that a lot of people out there might feel the same way, but not quite passionately enough to write in. With a fan campaign, you don't get that...
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:03 / 14.06.05
I liked it a lot, and purchased the trades last night.

Looking at shows that have been Jesused back in one form or another.

Firefly - people wrote letters, but more importantly, bought the dvd sets. LOTS of the dvd sets. Amazon was out of stock within days of the release.

Family Guy - Same as above.

Farscape - Same as above but more so, because those dvd sets were fucking expensive.

If Warren were smart, he would realize that the obvious fan base for the tv show are his readers, but that a lot of people who never read the books will be DLing the series due to hype. If someone were to suggest that everyone who liked it shell out the 23 bucks american to buy both trades on amazon, then the WB might notice a money maker.

As far as the show itself, i loved it.

"On the molecular level glass is a liquid"
"Nuh uh!"
"Uh huh"
18:35 / 14.06.05
If someone were to suggest that everyone who liked it shell out the 23 bucks american to buy both trades on amazon, then the WB might notice a money maker.

DVDs and trade paperbacks are on totally different scales of sales. the GF trades would have to sell a number of times better than the biggest-selling trades of all time to amount to a blip on the radar.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:46 / 14.06.05
I'm not saying its likely, but it really is the ONLY thing anyone could do to raise awareness of the cash that could be made with a dvd set.
Jack The Bodiless
18:28 / 15.06.05
Saw it last night. Really quite liked it, although I think the concept's probably flawed, given that anyone wanting to make it into a full-blown series will want a core group of characters including the cop and the science-geek from the pilot, which kind of flies against the whole point of the Global Frequency as being people called up because they're the only ones close enough to the disaster/mcguffin that drives each particular plot. Still, cracking dialogue, nice look, and the effects were handled rather well. Excellent chemistry between the two protagonists on the ground, and the idea of a volunteer task force from all walks of life operating to save lives independently of government interests would be a timely one for a television show to invest in...

On the subject of saving shows through grass-roots support - there's Due South, too, although like a lot of the others, it was brought back only to be axed again. In this case, we're not just talking about a show that's not yet attracted an audience, we're talking about a pilot that wasn't greenlit for a series. Grass-roots support in a case like this could actually make the case that the quality was considered good enough to run with, and that there's an audience large enough to, potentially, make it worthwhile.
H3ct0r L1m4
03:55 / 16.06.05
louise was given major shit out of no reason [oh, is the subject over? sorry].

watched it the other day, having read the whole comic series.

man. that was quite... embarrasing. [that's harsh but]

the first part looks like the ad for a mobile, the second... another ad. very very badly-directed actors. the central [and unnecessary] duo of agents explaining/reacting to everything to 'make it easier" for an imagined dumb audience.

maybe the biggest flaw in the pilot is that everything's played too safe every time. and speeches. bullet time. smart talk that's just annoying.

producers have done the hardest thing: trashed what was the perfect oven-ready pitch for a 30 minute action TV show, streched to 45 minutes of talking heads that don't add much to the atmosphere and 15 minutes of action that's not very engaging.

Forbes got Miranda zero just right - even without the director's help - but the girl that plays Aleph... maybe it was the script.

the comic had some nice ideas regarding the threat that didn't even make it to the pilot. a comic that's also script and storyboard just there waiting to be shot, no need to do major adaptation on it. when #1 came out some reviewer said something in the lines of "the perfect idea for a TV show that hasn't been screwed up by Hollywood... yet".

and now it has. better remain un-picked or be reworked for another occasion. shame.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
06:52 / 16.06.05
i think the real issue with the dialogue, upon a second viewing, is that they seem to be trying REALLY hard to match the "wit" of the original material, and read, you think "that sounded bad ass" but when you see someone actually acting it, it goes flat. Which is odd, since a comic is flat...

I think the look of the pilot is great, and the Matrix scene was alright, if a few years late.

Miranda was spot on. It has been said by the producer that the actress playing Ms Zero is the only person besides the writers who knew what the 5 year plot was going to be.

I think it would have gotten better if they made it. Pilots rarely are as good as later episodes, sometimes even in the same season. I think the actors didnt have time to get comfortable in their roles (look at Boreanz as Angel in the Whedonverse. In the first season, pure shit).
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:27 / 16.06.05
think the real issue with the dialogue, upon a second viewing, is that they seem to be trying REALLY hard to match the "wit" of the original material, and read, you think "that sounded bad ass" but when you see someone actually acting it, it goes flat.

Was it anything like the original dialogue, in terms of including people saying "...because that's what Global Frequency does. We help people..." every ten minutes? 'Cos I can easily imagine that falling flat...
Phex: Dorset Doom
08:41 / 16.06.05
I'm always a bit suspiscious about 'leaks'. Isn't it possible, maybe not likely but possible, that the show was leaked on the web by the creators to create the sort of grass-roots e-mailing movement that'll get the show back on the air?
H3ct0r L1m4
16:07 / 18.06.05
Was it anything like the original dialogue, in terms of including people saying "...because that's what Global Frequency does. We help people..." every ten minutes? 'Cos I can easily imagine that falling flat...

not as many times as in the pilot, no. and a lot speeches too. in the comic the characters have less issues moral when it comes to get into the action, putting a gun to someone's head, etc. but that was for the WB, so...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:17 / 01.07.05
Like it but, like JtB, having a core crew because that's what a show needs is really going to cause havoc with the sensibility of the concept, they dealt with that threat because it was there, if the next episode were to happen in New York how many hours would it take to fly there, even if they could use some sort of special Global Frequency superjet?

I thought it hit enough stylistic buttons, touch of X-Files, dressed like The Matrix, filmed like CSI, unnecessary sexual tension element, that someone would have gone with it. Does make you wonder how stuff gets passed and doesn't these days...
23:21 / 02.07.05
Article in Metro, the free newspaper available on the London and Edinburgh undergrounds, on this - there was talk there that the popularity of the downloaded pilot might lead to a DVD release of the pilot, and that if that sold then a series might be commissioned.

This is interesting, not least because it would create a business model in which you actually made your product available for free at first in an attempt to gauge the desire for a commercial product. Also, in this case, it would mean that the studios would reward the violation of intellectual property - I'm not sure this would be a sensible move for them, given their general position...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:48 / 03.07.05
Although 'rewarding' the distribution of an unaired pilot that was never going to see the light of day anyway would be different to 'rewarding' the distribution of episodes of some broadcast TV show or movie.

At the moment companies make pilots and show them to distributors who use their judgement as to whether there would be an audience for this. Now this Torrent shows there is some audience, though probably not enough to make those who passed on the show change their mind. But maybe this is how the future should be, pilots go up on the net and TV companies look to see what the response of the target audience would be (obviously this doesn't work for all shows...).
09:53 / 03.07.05
True. However, it is still intellectual property, which has been taken (at least, so they say) without the permission of the producers and the holders of the copyright - I think that might be an issue in terms of the networks not being seen as legitimising file sharing of TV shows in any way. On the other hand, if it is released and does sell, it might be an argument for them to take on board that people who download TV will also pay to watch them, given the opportunity, which may well be a useful thing.

bullet time. smart talk that's just annoying.

Is the smart talk in bullet time? That would be great.
Jack The Bodiless
10:23 / 04.07.05
George Morrison could call it bullet talk in smart time, write another shitty comic about it, make a small fortune. Again. The cunt.
14:55 / 09.07.05
I've finally got round to seeing this.

It's all right. Not bad, certainly a lot better than a number of series that have been comissioned for a full series (I'm thinking of tru-calling, dead like me). But it isn't particularly great either.

I've never read Global Frequency as a comic. I stopped buying new series written by Warren Ellis a long time ago. I certainly noticed some prominent Ellis ticks in the dialogue and characters. Miranda Zero could be a fantastic character if she wasn't Jenny Sparks redux with a twist of Carrie-Anne Moss. Indeed - the Matrix-style fight sequence far from being a selling point, as it was clearly intended, was an active turn-off.

It's probably worth remembering that many US TV series are pretty crap for the first few seasons before finding their feet.

So, yeah. I wasn't exactly inspired by the pilot, but I could see some potential in it - and considering some of the crap that does get comissioned I am actually kind of surprised that this wasn't picked up - maybe they were worried that there wasn't enough source material - that 12 issues was not sufficient to spawn a successful ongoing series of 22 episodes a year...
Benny the Ball
17:31 / 09.07.05
Haven't seen it, but they were probably worried about the 24 comparisons.
Tom Coates
22:47 / 09.07.05
I saw it too, and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. It's a pilot and pilots are flawed. Having said that they were always going to have trouble with it as a premise, since the global frequency is almost by necessity a deus ex machina of one form or another. I did love the premise though and I adored the fact that anyone could get pulled out of their lives whatever their skills or background because everything was useful to someone somewhere at some point.
Benny the Ball
08:21 / 10.07.05
Just watched it and I too enjoyed it. I thought that the bullet time stuff wasn't gratuatous as it was actually bullets - and yeah, it had enough x-files flavour in it. Seemed the plan was to stay with Sean and Katrina, which would have worked. Perhaps it was a little too dark for WB? Perhaps it was too much of a 'you have to get your hands dirty to get the job done' message?
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