Saw it last night. Really quite liked it, although I think the concept's probably flawed, given that anyone wanting to make it into a full-blown series will want a core group of characters including the cop and the science-geek from the pilot, which kind of flies against the whole point of the Global Frequency as being people called up because they're the only ones close enough to the disaster/mcguffin that drives each particular plot. Still, cracking dialogue, nice look, and the effects were handled rather well. Excellent chemistry between the two protagonists on the ground, and the idea of a volunteer task force from all walks of life operating to save lives independently of government interests would be a timely one for a television show to invest in...
On the subject of saving shows through grass-roots support - there's Due South, too, although like a lot of the others, it was brought back only to be axed again. In this case, we're not just talking about a show that's not yet attracted an audience, we're talking about a pilot that wasn't greenlit for a series. Grass-roots support in a case like this could actually make the case that the quality was considered good enough to run with, and that there's an audience large enough to, potentially, make it worthwhile. |