The twist at the end does leave some Mack-truck-sized plot holes in its wake, but...y'know, it almost doesn't matter. Not to sound more pretentious than usual, but it's really pure cinema -- though it's way, WAY gorier, it kinda made me think of Panic Room...the whole point is the premise (psycho killer kidnaps girl/stalks girl two/girl two stalks back -- go), the action starts almost immediately, doesn't let up, and when it's over, so is the movie. Characterization is virtually nil, the story is about as basic as it gets, and in this instance, that's not bad. I *do* wish the ending had been set up better (one scene early on renders it total bullshit, and it's not a scene you're likely to have forgotten by the last ten minutes, either), but even so, that last scene is creeeeeepy. |