Uh, no, this is Rush Limbaugh. He means that feminists are butt-ugly and bitter about it.
Redicourchie: These people are fringe, but due to the particular electoral tactics of the Republican party, which have relied on support from the Christian Right, their views are considerably more influential than might otherwise be expected. "Grassroots support" has been used to a great degree, "grassroots" meaning well-organised pressure groups, and now these people want their payback. The Republicans have been fairly indiscriminate in who they use and this, in my opinion, is going to come back and bite them in the ass fairly shortly. The technocratic, rationalist wing of the party just will not agree with the reactionary, conservative, religious element. The high-up neo-cons are much closer to the former than the latter intellectually speaking - it's not like they care about minority groups, but they don't have anything invested in discriminating against them, and they are generally quit keen on science and rationalism, unsurprising when you consider their intellectual heritage. The way I like to look at it is - do you really think Cheney cares whether his daughter is gay? |