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Beethoven's Symphonies Free

16:52 / 08.06.05
The first five are available now for about another week. The rest will be available in the next month or so.

This didn't really feel like an appropriate post for Radio & Msic, as I don't have anything really to say. (I'm not sure what there is to say but "cool".) I just wanted to let people know.

00:54 / 09.06.05
I must say that this is quite rad.
Tryphena Absent
01:37 / 09.06.05
Thanks for posting this, I'm actually pretty pleased you stuck it here because I read it far more frequently than Radio and Music.
07:21 / 09.06.05
They're OK, a little quiet and there's way too much Radio3 commentary. I'll wait until I have them all and then use Audacity to snip those bits out, I think.
15:01 / 09.06.05
Who is this Gianandrea Noseda.
16:23 / 09.06.05
A hottie, that's who.
01:37 / 01.07.05
Just to let people know, symphonies six through nine are up at the above link.

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