If you can hear differences in key, try to find two songs in the *same* key, and with vaguely similar time signatures to start off with - audacity will allow you to alter both of these, but any big alteration just sounds too obvious. The way I do it is to cut up and paste bits of songs I'm mashing that fit together (as in the example I posted, although it doesn't help that the Franz track's not got a very steady tempo), and then add extra bits that make them fit together.
For working out the key change bit, a keyboard or piano is useful if you've not got perfect pitch, because then you can work out what note you're starting on. Furthermore, judicious use of the noise removal and compression tools or splitting and deleting one of the tracks of a stereo mix, will allow you (hopefully) to extract, say, just a vocal line, although that's something I'm having trouble with on the software I've currently got... |