BARBELITH underground

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18:13 / 04.06.05
I know there are alot of talented writers and artist on the board, so I figured I'd just throw this out to you all.

The zine is called Off-Kilter, and you can find out more about it by visiting

for the lazy ones, here's the submission guidelines copied and pasted directly from the site:


Want to see your work in print?
Submit to Off-Kilter!
Although we are locally based, we love variety and welcome and encourage submissions from anyone, anywhere. Read our submission policy below, and send your stuff to

We consider creative fiction, visual art, photography, journalism, comic strips, reviews, interviews, satire/parody, creative non-fiction, lists, manifestos, open-letters, how-to guides, recipes, diagrams, overheard snippets of conversation, plans for world domination, poetry written on lunchmeat, and just about anything else you can think of.

Submit all written work in .doc, .txt, or .rtf format. Try to refrain from using special or unusual formatting if at all possible, as it sometimes gets all messed up and crazy-like when it reaches us. Submit all visual work at a reasonable size (no larger than 500kb per piece) in .jpeg, .gif, or .png format. Upon accepting a piece of visual work, we will contact you and ask for a higher resolution file. Make sure you have one available, or we may be unable to print your work. If your work doesn't quite fit into either of these categories, or you're unsure about something, send your question/problem to We encourage the submission of multiple pieces simultaneously, but if you are submitting multiple works at once, we'd appreciate it if you sent them all in a single email. When submitting, keep in mind that at the moment, Off-Kilter is published in grayscale (B&W) on standard letter-sized paper (8.5 x 11 inches).

Acceptance and Rejection:
Off-Kilter only responds to works that we accept. We do not write rejections. (You must understand that this is a labor of love, and that that labor is put solely on the backs of three very busy teenagers) This does not mean, however, that if you do not hear back from us immediately that you have not been accepted. We may take months to decide to accept something. Or perhaps we'll want to use an older submission because it fits with something more recent we plan on publishing. If you don't get a response, please don't resubmit ten thousand times or write to us every day asking if we got your submission. If you have a legitimate reason to believe that your submission was not received, write to with your problem. Also, keep in mind that we are a zine, and looking to publish work. If you are looking for a critique, there are plenty of better places you can go.

Unfortunately, we are unable to pay our contributors at this time. If your work is accepted, however, we will send you a free copy of the issue in which it is printed.

Legal Stuff:
By submitting to Off-Kilter, you give us the right to publish that work in our magazine. The writer/artist/creator retains all other rights. By submitting to Off-Kilter, you also agree that you are the copyright holder of anything you submit. You take full responsibility for submitting copyrighted material if it is published.

we're also looking for advertisers to help cover some of the costs. ads are cheap - $10 for a half page, $5 for a quarter page. you can find more about that on the site as well.
19:35 / 16.06.05
I'm bumping this because although I did get a couple of submissions, I was hoping for alot more. Alot of what I've read on this forum is incredibly interesting, and alot of you are great writers - both fiction and non-fiction. I've seen some great photography and artwork posted here too.

So come on guys, submit something!
22:30 / 16.06.05
I just might
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:20 / 16.06.05
Hmmm....... (cue: self-doubt, anxiety, fear, paranoia, adrenaline, panic, anger, defiance, doubt, shame, laughter)... I dunno!

I'll think about it? If you're interested, of course..... (cue: self-doubt, ... [etc.])
23:45 / 16.06.05
you should... both of you.
i mean hey, what's the worst that can happen? you don't get accepted. oh well. then i'm a jackass who just doesn't appreciate your genius. i think we both can live with that.
23:53 / 16.06.05
oh, and if anyone here owns a small business or sells their stuff online or anything like that, you should consider buying an ad. they're super-cheap and we really need the funding.
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