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Venting & Bitching

wicker woman
14:40 / 04.06.05
Turns out there IS something annoying about being transsexual... it makes itself known whenever people assume that, because I'm transsexual, every bit of pap, every stupid movie or media in any form that comes down the pipe that has even vague transgender themes I automatically know about! And, not only know about it, but LIKE!

"Hey, did you see that episode of South Park, where Mr. Garrison gets a vagina? Wasn't that h-i-l-arious! Drop dead, even? How about White Chicks? I love the Wayans! Or Sorority Boys! My god, Sorority Boys! Genius in cinema!"

Yeah. Because the South Park episode absolutely wasn't a sadly misinformed 1/2 hour attempt to marginalize transseuxality by comparing us to guys who want to be dolphins and small white boys who want to be tall black men, and White Chicks and Sorority Boys weren't so insanely stupid as to make your eyes quite literally bleed.

Augh. I have vented, and feel better. Fear my wrath, Hollywood!
20:06 / 04.06.05
Did you want to talk about any of it any further, or literally just to vent?

I must say, I'm surprised to learn that a South Park episode failed to handle a subject with tact and sensitivity. They're normally so good.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:10 / 05.06.05
The great thing about living in the UK is that I'm about 90% ignorant as to who the Wayans brothers are, though having seen the poster advertising that film I did go and look at the trailer and was amazed how it made Face/Off look like Professor Robert Winston doing a ten part investigative documentary on the human body.

For me it was more 'but if white boys blacked up, that would be a bad thing...'
09:08 / 05.06.05
I won't have you diss Face/Off, Lady.
Tryphena Absent
15:56 / 05.06.05
Because the South Park episode absolutely wasn't a sadly misinformed 1/2 hour attempt to marginalize transseuxality by comparing us to guys who want to be dolphins

Can you seriously name a group of people that South Park hasn't consistently insulted? Isn't its joy that it's indiscriminately nasty and misinformed about every single person on the planet in some way? Cartman's mother is his father, Kyle is a jew, Timmy got into a 'cripple fight' with Jimmy. If anything you can see yourself as confirmed as a human being by the fact that they have compared you to people who wish to be dolphins in the usual, wrong way.
wicker woman
20:07 / 05.06.05
Did you want to talk about any of it any further, or literally just to vent?

Possibly take it further. Right then, though, I was just venting. It mainly came about because I'd been asked by about the fifth, sixth person at work whether or not I'd seen that episode of SP, and boy, wasn't it great? .

I shant be discussing it anymore right now, though, because it is very, very warm and there's ice cream out there with my name printed all over it.
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:14 / 05.06.05
Hmm... Customised ice-cream....

What an excellent idea: "No! Mine! Mine!"
02:23 / 06.06.05
I was irritated the other day and I wrote a poem about it sort of:

I yelled at a skater the other day
he solicited me for weed
and my response was
"Is that all you care about?"
"Am I just another business transaction to you?"
"Why aren't you asking me about my feelings?"
"I was diagnosed with depression on Wednesday, but you don't care about me. You just want to buy something."
"Your consumerism apalls me."
and then his friend dropped a bag of skittles on the ground
and I got really mad
and said "First you insult me by soliciting me for drugs, then you deliberately hurt my feelings by littering."
"You pigs."
Eloi Tsabaoth
08:06 / 06.06.05
Man, I love Avril Lavigne songs.
08:54 / 06.06.05
I know this is the Convo, but there's a whole thread for this stuff.

A thread waiting to embrace your rage.
Whisky Priestess
11:04 / 06.06.05
Although on the specific subject of people annoying you with their attitudes to/assumptions about your transgender status, do you get mighty pissed off if they also flag up TV programmes, books etc. about transvestism? Does that count as a crass conflating of transexuality with transvestism or as a legitimate subject to draw your attention to?

Because I was thinking that in contrast to the usual South-Park-subtle approach, Grayson Perry's Channel 4 documentary about tranvestites was fascinating, quite sensitive, and made by an insider.

But if those who think transgender folk will be interested in tranvestism stuff get smacked with a handbag, just ignore me
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