Turns out there IS something annoying about being transsexual... it makes itself known whenever people assume that, because I'm transsexual, every bit of pap, every stupid movie or media in any form that comes down the pipe that has even vague transgender themes I automatically know about! And, not only know about it, but LIKE!
"Hey, did you see that episode of South Park, where Mr. Garrison gets a vagina? Wasn't that h-i-l-arious! Drop dead, even? How about White Chicks? I love the Wayans! Or Sorority Boys! My god, Sorority Boys! Genius in cinema!"
Yeah. Because the South Park episode absolutely wasn't a sadly misinformed 1/2 hour attempt to marginalize transseuxality by comparing us to guys who want to be dolphins and small white boys who want to be tall black men, and White Chicks and Sorority Boys weren't so insanely stupid as to make your eyes quite literally bleed.
Augh. I have vented, and feel better. Fear my wrath, Hollywood! |