Zara: Bless you, but magic and prayer have been known to have a profound effect in situations both personal, national and international. Even if there were no external effect, the action of praying is a great help for us as we process what is going on around us. The importance of maintaining faith and a desire to spread healing and peace through times of trial cannot be understated.
Is there anyway we can work together with our magic/prayers? I've been praying and interceding by myself and with my Church, but I'd like to do something with the Barbelith community, too.
I'd also like it if we could keep this thread active in the Magick for as long as this international situation continues. We've had a number of similar threads going previously, so I reckon we need to concentrate our good spiritual vibes in one place. We could choose specific aspects of the situation to concentrate on each day, and direct like-minded friends to the site to keep up to date on what we're focusing our magic on each day.
I too pray for a quick resolution. However, you'll have guessed from the tone of my post that I feel we need to prepare for a longer period of hostilities. Any way that we can co-ordinate our efforts will be beneficial. The spirits of hatred, violence, prejudice and fear are our enemies, and we should work together to fight them in the heavenlies.
Wyrd: I pray that as you bless others, you will be blessed exponentially. You are a genuinely good person and I'd love to meet you one day. |