I searched and googled it, and no, there has been no Phish thread yet.
They are such a wonderful band and I can listen to their music every day, it just gets better and better. Since I´m not good at explaining music, I link to the appropriate sites:
Phish Homepage
good explanation about the band
downloadable music
"Phish has a cult-like following larger than any other rock band in history with the possible exception of the Grateful Dead. For several consecutive years, they were consistently ranked as one of music's top grossing concert acts, and were a genuine cultural phenomenon, complete with their own flavor of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, an appearance on The Simpsons, and the record for the largest millennium concert in the entire world."
"During their entire 21 year career, Phish never repeated the same concert setlist twice. Every single show was completely different from one another, and every version of each song was played differently than other versions."
My favourite records are Billy Breathes, Picture of Nectar and Rift.

Phish 1983 - 2004 |