Make sure that you write it down, in as much detail as possible (lighting; sounds; décor; people you know, descriptions of people you don't; the way it makes you feel; any insights you get during the experience; etc). Even seemingly superfluous stuff may be of great significance. At the same time (if possible), write down what you think has triggered the "flash."
The point of the notebook is to allow you to go back and see if there are patterns in the occurrences and as an aid to understanding what happens and trigger/avoid the "flash." It also encourages a methodic thought process that can potentially work out strategies from any special insight gained.
At the very least, you can join my weirdo "Bloke sitting in corner of pub by himself scribbling in notebook club."
I don't know if it's a similar thing to what you're describing, but I have a lot of impressions about people (sometimes places). It usually comes from a feeling of "knowledge" bubbling up from my chest area (locating the source of the "knowledge" within my own body isn't as weird as it sounds. The heart has its own nervous system, and there are theories that it generates a different kind of consciousness to the brain). The "knowledge" may be vague or detailed impressions or it may be an instruction (do this and you'll get more "information"). Increasingly I seem to get an instruction only: for example, "Go and tell that person that you have something to say." The "knowledge" comes at the point I open my mouth to speak to that person
This is fairly intimidating if you don't know them! Imagine going up to strange girls and saying, "Excuse me: I've been privileged with what may be intimate details about your life. Please listen to me, even though you either think I'm a freak or someone very lame trying to ask you out." What makes it scary is knowing that if you take action, the impression will come, but having nothing at all until the point at which you open your mouth.
The situation with the girl actually happened to me once, and it was very embarrassing!
There's lots more I could say, but I'm concerned that none of the above is applicable. Hope it helps, in whatever small way. |