Anybody watch this? First ep of a 6 part miniseries started last night on Sky One, rather than the silly film that was on BBC1 last week.
I usually object to things like this on the grounds that I'm really fed up of seeing the doomsaying Christian eschatology over and over and over again in countless horror films - hey kids look! There really is a Devil! Really and actually! And everything in the Bible is literally true and its all coming to pass right now, you just aren't looking closely enough...again. Yes, I know I said this 1500 years ago, and then 1200 years ago, and really really really drummed it home 1000 years ago, and then of course there was that time 900 years ago when it so nearly came about for real, and that time 750 years ago, that was the closest yet, and of course 500 years ago it was only those Fransiscan Ninjas and Dominican Pirate Monks that saved the day, wheew, that was close! But this time...repent sinner! The end is nigh!
It gets pretty tiresome, doesn't it? Obviously film-makers and, presumably audiences, disagree, as there seem to be so many of these things...I guess the times we live in now, with the kind of apocalyptic tensions between the media fed 'clash of civilisations' (ugh) helps.
Anyway, it was expensive, absurd and American enough to carry off the first episode, though awfully predictable - he grabbed her hand, and - she lives! The wickle girl lives! The priest bouncers refusing entry to the doctors in their own hospital, the Satanist who eats hearts and cuts his finger off but it doesn't bleed!! Clicks his fingers and laughs menacingly!
Come on in and tell us about Revelations. |