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This Is The Thread For Pictures Of People Looking Good In Hoods


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12:43 / 14.05.05

Thats Han Solo, btw
12:45 / 14.05.05
...and that was the first time I tried to post an image. I read the help files any everything, don't blame me that it doesn't work....I just... don't... understand...
13:03 / 14.05.05
because you typed src+ instead of src=
13:26 / 14.05.05

Ahh, thanks.
Brigade du jour
15:41 / 14.05.05
Oh well, look on the bright side. At least the Klan won't be able to hold any more rallies in Bluewater.
paranoidwriter waves hello
15:47 / 14.05.05
Will they ban Nuns as well (I know: they're not technically hoods, but still...)?
Char Aina
16:13 / 16.05.05
is there an age limit?
would they bar you from entering if you were pushing your baby's pram, and said baby was hooded to protect it from the elements?
i know my recently parental friend likes to dress his kid up warm and has at least two hoodies in the youngster's wardrobe.
(yes, said wean looks adorable, and no, i wont post pics. sorry.)
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
19:12 / 19.05.05

Benny the Ball
19:29 / 19.05.05
Attendence to bluewater has been up 22% since the hoodie ban.
22:59 / 19.05.05
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:55 / 20.05.05
Attendence to bluewater has been up 22% since the hoodie ban.

Covered in Switchboard thread.

09:21 / 20.05.05

Bit of an antisocial thug, though, right enough.
lord henry strikes back
10:10 / 20.05.05
Any excuse to use this picture basically. The kid is wearing a splendid hoodie thought...

Eloi Tsabaoth
11:15 / 20.05.05

Not sure if I've got the hang of this...

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