So let's say you are a good looking person. Well, not just good looking, but the kind of good looking that translates very well to pictures and video images.
You've been hearing for a while now the suggestion that you should try modeling. You've been avoiding the thought, for various reasons (trying hard not to be seen as vain, objections to the industry in general, embarrassed by the idea of people finding out, embarrassed of the idea of failing, hatred of cameras, have a real career to worry about, whatever) but then someone tells you that you can make a fuckin' OBSCENE amount of money doing it. Obscene when you realize that they're basically paying you to stand still while they take pictures, or walk around a bit in stranger's clothes. Someone in a position to make offers...makes you an offer (and, after some investigation, you determine this person/agency is legit and not asking you for any money at all).
What would you do?
You've been told by many intelligent people that modeling only furthers unhealthy physical standards regarding shape and beauty. And you've heard terrible things about the industry, about how models are treated by higher ups (as objects, but not fun objects like paintings and sculptures but more like sacks of meat that are currently in a pleasing shape) and how models end up treating each other, and other people in general. You've heard there's a drug problem, a problem with depression, and all kinds of other nasty stuff. Sounds like a bad scene. Nasty vibes everywhere.
All of this is heresay, but what is for real is the check some people are willing to write to you for you standing still for a few hours looking pretty.
Would you feel it a comprise of your standards/morals? Would you do it anyway? Would be afraid of any potential changes in your own personality? Would you do it for a bit, make some money, then get out? Do you think it's that easy? |