I'm reading it in paperback version, so I don't know what happens after the sixth one (volume 2, issue 18). BTW, as the thread summary doesn't mention that the thread includes spoilers, I think we should mark potential spoilers in our posts.
Overall, I like the series, although it's a bit rough around the edges sometimes. It pokes a lot of fun at the Marvel universe: everybody seems to be used to living in a world filled with people with superpowers, and Captain America regularly is on the TV news. I really like the whole idea of a self-help group for recovering teenage superheroes... The whole series is very self-aware that it takes place in a world filled with superpowered beings.
However, I sometimes feel that characterization is a bit rough around the edges and there's sometimes a feeling of political correctedness that I don't like.
Bring back Alex! He'd make such a fantastic recurring villain! He's so clever and cool in his own way, he even goes down with dignity, unlike so many villains!
And what if that resurrection spell Nico tried had worked without her knowing, in the end?
Bring back Alex! He's the true dark shadow of the Runaways, their most intimate enemy.
I can't help but feel that Karolina is the token lesbian. It's a commendable effort, but mixed in with the whole alien heritage thingie, it sorts of comes off as a bit clumsy. I felt her sexual orientation really popped out of nowhere.
However, part of me can't wait for Chase to come out of the closet... Which I don't think will happen, though... Well... he might be bi. There's sort of a hint of sexual tension between Chase and Victor (the gratuitous male nudity scene) and Chase is the kinda homophobic one of the bunch. Lol, wishful thinking... 
God, they mess around so much with who is going to die, in this one. I really don't like the way Gert's death was drawn, though. That dagger punching in, that should have been a full-page panel in itself. It kinda felt like "oh yeah, and Gert gets mortally wounded on that page, among other things". She deserved better than that.
I can't wait for Chase to return, he's one of my favorite characters.