[shrug] It looks like a porn site.
I know people who would be offended by it. Others who would be bored, appalled or aroused. I don't know whether it's legal, so I'm going to be a good paranoid and purge it from my system.
We could debate almost endlessly the issues of censorship, patricarchy, freedom, sexuality, pornography, and so on.
What irks me about this is that it's a product of the sex industry, which, whatever its possible positive qualities, is just as ghastly as most other industries, and tends to be less well-regulated (a jaw-dropping notion when you think about what many mainstream industries get up to). It feeds into and off organised crime, straddles the border between work and slavery, exploits, demeans and floods my mailbox with crap - which latter sin sounds tiny until you realise what it does to the internet as a whole. Lastly, it draws unwelcome attention to the freedoms of the Net, and gives reasons less contraversial than Terror for demanding V chips and all the rest.
All of which, simply, makes me question the position of putting it on your profile as your homepage. Great for scandalising the bourgeoisie, but frankly a bit old here, and not likely to do more than elicit a sigh.
Personally, I'd suggest something a bit more punchy, like a link to an Afghan 'Diary of Anne Frank'. As revolutions go, this is a bit limp. |