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One interesting thing about you


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Haus of Mystery
08:31 / 26.04.05
I once was the caretaker/handyman at Rudyard Kipling's country house Bateman's for a month. It's a really old place - 17th Century I think - and is a museum to him and his work. Full of curios from his global travels and weird Jungle Book memorabilia. Stuffed beasts, tapestries everything. If any house was haunted it was this one. My job entailed opening and shutting the place - an arduous process that involved progressing through the house room by room, closing blinds and locking doors.
During the day I did any manual job that needed doing, and had to look after the team of old folk who volunteered to curate in the rooms when the place was open to the public (It was a National Trust house). This involved mainly giving them tea and biscuits and making sure they were happy.
The place had a working watermill, the perfect spot for cheeky joints, and the most crazy beautiful garden I've ever seen. It was a scorching summer, and the month I worked there was rain free.
One weekend I had to look after the place one weekend which meant staying overnight. My then girlfriend came to stay, and just for one weekend we were the lord and lady of the manor, strolling through the grounds at twilight.

Benny the Ball
09:57 / 26.04.05
I gate-crashed a girls-only party hosted by Madonna, and drank a $5,000 bottle of wine.
Grey Area
09:59 / 26.04.05
I've met Fidel Castro.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:12 / 26.04.05
Are you Nicky Wire? Or "little" Sean Moore?
Grey Area
10:18 / 26.04.05
Pappa Cass
10:52 / 26.04.05
I got to participate in the outer circle of a Sun Dance in a mountain in Mexico, about an hour outside of Guadalajara(in Lake Chapala).

That was pretty interesting. Scary as all hell, but interesting.

11:33 / 26.04.05
I'm a direct descendant of John Alden (you know, the pilgrim? First Thanksgiving?). It's not a big deal to me but it's a very big deal back home in New England.

I'm also a distant cousin of Herman Melville. And Moby.

And my favorite tidbit that I try to work into every introduction despite it's underwhelming nature: my 13th birthday was on Friday the 13th. (teen goth) Isn't that cool? (/teen goth)
12:19 / 26.04.05
I once appeared on the Lowri show pretending to be a survivalist food-hoarder, and then Tango-Mango and I got thrown out of the BBC for getting too pissed on the free wine.

Oh, and I've met Buzz Aldrin (I know that's technically 2 things, but Buzz may not count because I'm still not sure if he ever actually did go to the moon.
Brigade du jour
12:46 / 26.04.05
Are you Nicky Wire? Or "little" Sean Moore?

Use your loaf, Flyboy, ze would have said 'I've had a number one single. Arseholes to the English!' or something.
14:49 / 26.04.05
I've shaken hands with Jeffery Archer.

(Out, damned spot!

Pan Paniscus
15:17 / 26.04.05

Ken Dodd thinks I have a lovely speaking voice.
paranoidwriter waves hello
15:36 / 26.04.05
I once went for an interview for a tempory assistant to a Literary Agent, and ended up doing "work-experience" walking Roy Hattersley's dog "Buster". I love dogs, but the little bastard (Buster) knew I was lower in the pecking order and used to remind me every so often with a nasty nip on the fingers. I only lasted two weeks, but I can honestly say Mr Hattersley makes a lovely cup of tea.
15:45 / 26.04.05
My picture appears in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Ed. Got your copy handy? Flip to tabard. Yup, that's me (minus the glasses, plus one tabard).
16:06 / 26.04.05
in high school, i worked as a 'bad guy' in SWAT team drills...

some overlap to this thread here.
Haus Of Pain
16:22 / 26.04.05
When i was in prison i met Brian Cluff
hanabius yamamura
16:25 / 26.04.05
re I've shaken hands with Jeffery Archer.

... sadly, as a student, I served him dinner once at a charity do in Edinburgh where he was < cue HUGE air-quotes > 'guest of honour' ...
Psych Safeling
17:42 / 26.04.05
On my seventh birthday, I went to see Crackerjack. Live. I was called up on stage to sing the 'if there's something strange... in the neighbo(u)rhood...' bit of a crowd rendition of the theme from (you guessed it) Ghostbusters. I didn't know the words. Nonetheless, I blagged it, after one (forgiveable) or two (not so) fluffs into the mic. It was the boy next to me who wet his pants and then cried.

Is that boy here today?
rising and revolving
17:56 / 26.04.05
I've had my share of run-ins with celebrity, but honestly, they're not that interesting.

I've had a boa-constrictor wrapped about me from head to foot, I've crossed the world for love, I've coaxed a man back from the brink of suicide, I've seen the sun rise across the waters, I've ridden the rails with not a cent to my name, I've looked ruin in the face and laughed, I've been part of a polyfamily, I've played Frank-n-Furter, I've loved, lamented, lost, and lusted.

I've changed peoples lives, and had my life changed. What more could I ask for?
Baz Auckland
19:33 / 26.04.05
I'm the main subject of a large mural (top hat and all) that hangs on the side of a building in my hometown, painted for its 150th birthday... (that's Hamilton, Ontario if anyone's in the neighborhood)
20:15 / 26.04.05
The only interesting thing about me is that I have never done anything interesting. Ever.
20:26 / 26.04.05
I participated in parapsychology experiments at Edinburgh. I do not, apparently, have any ESP or PK that could be detected, though. But it was nice to sit in a comfy chair in a soundproofed room at lunchtimes while I was doing my finals.
20:27 / 26.04.05

I've got Synaesthesia. Is that interesting?

If not, I've been working on the team which is overseeing the environmental and social consequences of The Stonehenge Project. Which has been very interesting. For me at least.
Whisky Priestess
20:31 / 26.04.05
I used to go out with a poet who occasionally had pieces in the major papers. One day everyone I knew started looking at me funny, especially my housemates. When I got home and checked out the Independent review section, I found out why: there was a poem in there by my then loverrrr, about his girlfriend telling him she was pregnant. Except that it had been written years ago and was about someone completely different. I had a *lot* of explaining to do.

(Although he did write another poem that was about/for me, so I suppose that's a cool thing too.)

oooh! and one of my poems was on a London Bus once!
20:45 / 26.04.05
Everything about me is interesting.

I am a beautiful flower.
Mike Modular
22:02 / 26.04.05
I've been on Byker Grove.

Three times...
22:09 / 26.04.05
These are all excellent, but Byker Grove?
Mike Modular
22:47 / 26.04.05
How man, what yer seeyin'? Ah'll get Spuggie ter chin yez, like...
Bastard Tweed
23:06 / 26.04.05
Less than six months after my eighteenth birthday I got cast in a role that required ten consecutive minutes of full, frontal nudity. I got the best critical reviews that I've yet received in my life. There's a very specific expression on certain stranger's faces that I've come to realize is the physical manifestation of the thought, "Oh, dear lord. I just realized I've seen that person's genitals before." The amiable smile I then give them is always thoroughly satisfying.

I blame the following three year dearth of employment on an excess of clothing and/or lack of undertones of homoeroticism.
8===>Q: alyn
00:12 / 27.04.05
I have prehensile toes. I can open a beer bottle with them.
Tryphena Absent
00:56 / 27.04.05
My hair is made of snakes, they're so small that no one can tell.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:14 / 27.04.05
I shared a car with Emo Philips for an hour in college.

I interviewed for a position as writer on MST3K less than a week after they found out the show was ending on SciFi.
04:16 / 27.04.05
I'm trying to pass a kidney stone as we speak.
05:32 / 27.04.05
Kawabata Makoto and Cotton Casino once bowed down to me.

My Dad's an honourary Hopi, which makes JtB and I honourary Hopi too.

I once asked Robert Dilts why he doesn't refer to the genitals as a centre of belief and intelligence.
doozy floop
19:15 / 27.04.05
I can pop my right elbow out of its socket and my right eye doesn't work properly. I don't know if these two facts are connected.

I was also the Young Poet of the Year in the UK in about 1990 or so. It was all a bit embarrassing and I don't think I've even considered writing any poetry ever since.
19:23 / 27.04.05
Connect all three facts, doozy, and you'll win a prize. Not sure what it is, or who'll be paying for it, but that would certainly deserve a prize of some sort.

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