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The Paxman Interviews

Benny the Ball
18:06 / 22.04.05
Anyone watch these?

I only caught this evenings, the last one, vs Howard.

Some people seem tired of Paxman's interuptting, tired manner, but I still think that he has it.

The Howard interview was great, do these two really not like each other or what?

I wish I'd seen the others now.

"So why is it better to change a pro-war Prime Minister with influence in the White House, for a pro-war Prime Minister with no influence in the White House?"

"I'll have influence in the White House!!!!"

21:08 / 22.04.05
With politicians increasingly shying away from and refusing to answer the difficult questions, now more than ever we NEED Paxman and humphries hectoring their quarry.
Tryphena Absent
22:06 / 22.04.05
They're not online anywhere are they?
Benny the Ball
08:07 / 23.04.05
Not sure, they're not on the BBC site, well, not that I can find, but I'm quite crap at that whole internet searching thing.

Another great moment;

Howard, "I can't do that, I'm the leader of the opposition!"

Paxman, "A rather poorly briefed leader of the opposition..."
10:53 / 23.04.05
I'm pretty sure you can get the Today programme online...

Something I've found fascinating over the last few years has been hearing Humphrys grilling Jack Straw. A few years back Straw was so nervous, he could barely string a sentence together. Humphrys was all over him like a cheap suit (particularly disturbing slash potential?). But, bless 'im, he always came back for more. Not sure if it's part of New Labour's media obsession and they've been paying for him to have lessons, or if it's just the practice, but now it's like watching a game of chess. It's absolutely fucking fantastic. (There was even a point a year or so ago when Straw was obviously still a little unsure of himself, but gaining confidence, and you could hear him planning his moves- "Well, I can see what you're trying to do there, John, but I'm gonna turn the question round...". I can almost understand what people get out of sport now.
Tom Coates
20:18 / 24.04.05
I've been watching these and I've found them completely fascinating. The main problem I've had with them is that I can't determine whether Paxman is giving some an easier time than others or whether they're just dealing with it better. I watched the Liberal Democrat one on Monday and I came out of it thinking that Paxman had gone too far on a number of occasions. But the more I thought about it afterwards, the less I was sure that this was the case. Maybe he just walked into it. I can't tell. On the other hand, the questions he was asking were certainly loaded, over-simplistic in places and on occasion of the "do you still beat your wife" kind. The first one, then, lowered my estimation of both Jeremy Paxman and the Liberal Democracts.

I watched Blair on Wednesday and frankly I was pretty impressed - Paxman went at him like a cougar and also was slightly over melodramatic in terms of heavy sighs and rhetoric, but Blair managed to pull the whole thing around. Whatever you think of him, the man has political chops - he got angry at times and he fought hard to state that whatever you thought of his decisions, that he'd done it for honourable reasons. I came out of it more convinced of that than when I came in, but with the same nagging feeling that maybe this was more of a performance than a true display of inner feeling.

Howard I thought was the most evidently slimy and political of the lot, roaming around the edges, answering questions with rhetoric and avoiding question after question. It was, however, terrifyingly effective. He was the first of the three I think to make Paxman look unreasonable in his questioning and I think the most skilled and elegant politician of the three. Unfortunately, I disagree with almost everything he stands for. I couldn't tell whether or not he was getting an easy deal though. It certainly seemed less interrogatory than Blair and Kennedy. What did anyone else think?
Spatula Clarke
22:28 / 24.04.05
The main problem I've had with them is that I can't determine whether Paxman is giving some an easier time than others or whether they're just dealing with it better.

Yeah, this is often a fault with Paxman. Whenever there's been a Newsnight piece on tuition fees with one of those mini panel interview things they do after their films, it's been very obvious which interviewee Paxman's sided with.

He also has a habit of pursuing points that have already been answered properly, badgering whoever he's talking to. Which is funny for a short while, but pretty quickly ends up smelling of egotism. Prime example being his asking Blair "do you know how many illegal immigrants are in the country at the moment?" in one of these. "I don't know, because there's no way *anybody* could provide you with an accurate answer to that question, given that for them to enter illegally means without anyone knowing when or how often it's happening," is a perfectly acceptable and honest response, but Paxman did his incredulous look thing and fired off the question again and again, like he was in a parody of the infamous "did you threaten to overrule him?" interview. Enough.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:38 / 25.04.05
Apparently Howard's hand were visibly shaking when he was being interviewed by Paxo last week. I do sometimes get irritated with his style of questioning but it would help if the people he interviewed weren't so bad at answering the questions.

For about another 12 hours here's the Independent on Sunday profile of Paxman.
12:07 / 27.04.05
As a follow-up, all three are going to be on Question Time tomorrow night. Should be fun!
12:20 / 27.04.05
Wicked. Fuck Celebrity Wrestling, that's what I says.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:49 / 27.04.05
But that's what you say to everything. Not much use when I ask "Erm Stoatie, you don't know CPR by any chance do you?"

The Paxman interviews are on UKNova, although they don't seem to be joining anybody up at the mo so if you don't have a subscription already then that's probably not much use to you.
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