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Fuck it

20:09 / 21.04.05
This is for all of you who dont feel like joining the teletubbies threads. I know youre out there
Benny the Ball
20:17 / 21.04.05
...and the smell of freshly cut grass...
20:19 / 21.04.05
..and the smell of your own loneliness
Benny the Ball
20:20 / 21.04.05
Smells... musky?
20:21 / 21.04.05
20:27 / 21.04.05
YAY!...err...I mean, fuck yoos all, ya bunch of tree-hugging, hedgehog lovin' freaks.
20:29 / 21.04.05
Thats right Strix, youve got the hang of it
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
20:42 / 21.04.05
What about if telling hedgehog-snuggling freaks to FUCK RIGHT OFF fills us with a warm and happy glow? Eh?
20:43 / 21.04.05
Damn.. got a point there. Well, it makes me sad actually, because Im so grumpy, ha!
20:51 / 21.04.05
I am not hapy about it. I am not filled with warm feelings for saying it. I am now fueled up with disgust that I had to even tell any of them that I am fed up with their phoney love trip!
Mourne Kransky
21:27 / 21.04.05
Ah, but the more positivity you feed out into the world, the more loveliness comes pummelling back atcha.

In other words, I am very pissed and unco happy, boozing at the nappy.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:57 / 21.04.05
Mr Slightly, there's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:59 / 21.04.05
How much would I have to pay you never to post on Barbelith again?

I could set up a monthly direct debit, if you like.
22:06 / 21.04.05
yeah? and they can all just fuck off fer free...

22:12 / 21.04.05
For every happy thread someone makes I'm going to eat three boxes of kittens

22:34 / 21.04.05
What? you aren't even gonna share?
Tryphena Absent
22:51 / 21.04.05
Arrgghhh. Leave that kitten ALONE.
23:56 / 21.04.05
Not a fan? I can pureƩ them if you'd like

00:10 / 22.04.05
1000 a month flyboy.. anything else?
Brigade du jour
00:19 / 22.04.05
Ms Triplets, did you ever watch 80s mediocre comedy duo Hale & Pace on television?
Tryphena Absent
00:23 / 22.04.05
Oh god. My heart is in my knees. Look at those little ears and that proud, cute face. Little do they know that danger is on its way. But wait, the Kitten Rescue Squad is on its way.

Saint Keggers
00:23 / 22.04.05
There should be a dog in that box. Oh wait, then it would be Pup-Tarts.
00:24 / 22.04.05
Or a pig.

No, hang on, I'm thinking of Cop Tarts.
01:15 / 22.04.05
No, hang on, I'm thinking of Cop Tarts.

I think some friends of mine rented that once, for a party.

I'll never look at a nightstick the same way again.

Anyway, Nina: are you actually the Kitten Rescue Squad's archivist, or do you just have mad (and highly specialized) web-kun-do?
02:49 / 22.04.05
no room is too small to swing a cat - even a kitten.

no-one ever told me, how do you get a cat out of a blender...?
03:24 / 22.04.05

I hate you all.
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