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Life...Gorgeous, or WHAT???

Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:18 / 21.04.05
Baz Auckland
15:40 / 21.04.05
I second that! The sun is shining, the canals are lovely, the sky is blue! Weeeee! What a lovely day...
Multiple Man
15:53 / 21.04.05
The sunny weather is lovely.
15:58 / 21.04.05
It looks beautiful out there, but it is still f**king cold. Then again, this is Canada, why am I surprised?
16:03 / 21.04.05
I'm in a really bad mood - I've been in a bad mood all week, hence some of my posts of late - but I'm going to the pub later so that'll probably improve my mood no end.

In fact, just thinking about it's putting me in a better frame of mind.

The sun is indeed shining.
rising and revolving
16:06 / 21.04.05
Today may be cold, but it's sunny. There's something wonderful to be said for golden days after snow covered plains, without a doubt.

This is something you never get in Australia (well, not in the generally inhabited parts, anyhow) - the transition from frozen wasteland to summer wonderland.

16:56 / 21.04.05
Oh fuck. Just shoot me.
17:15 / 21.04.05
Strix: BANG.

I'm having a great day, because I just learned that Marshall Applewhite graduated from the same college I'm currently attending. Now I can be reasonably certain I won't be the worst student to wlak the hallowed halls of this esteemed institute.

I'm also happy because it's just hot enough outside for me to justify napping instead of being outside in the so-called-beautiful weather we're having.
17:17 / 21.04.05
I'd like to say that I have no idea how to wlak, but I must learn to do so at once.
17:24 / 21.04.05
Fuck missed!
17:27 / 21.04.05

Quick! Bring out the trebuchet!
17:32 / 21.04.05
I am reporting you to the Barbannoy thread, Chuk.

Links that don't work SUCK! *grumblegrumble*
Benny the Ball
17:41 / 21.04.05
Not even getting a mother-bitching parking ticket for £50 for parking a scooter in stinking stuck up stupid Nottinghill can dent the happy-on I've got. Well, just been on the phone to the fiance, and have been in meetings (nice meetings) all day, in sunny places, and haven't shaved so feeling hairy in a fun way.
17:50 / 21.04.05
Hairy fun sounds pleasant. Can I brush against you Boboss? Your missus can referee and if you want, you (and the missus) can rub my calves as I haven't shaved them in days!
Saint Keggers
18:01 / 21.04.05
I want a trebuchet!!!
18:03 / 21.04.05
Yeah, it was nice today, the weather was clear and the light was fantastic. I kept seeing scenes like this

Building reflection

on the way home.
18:07 / 21.04.05
You want a page that cannot be displayed, Keggers?
18:08 / 21.04.05
Despite still coughing up suspect rheumy material and feeling generally illcore (?) I have a sick cert until Tuesday so HUZAHHHH.
18:19 / 21.04.05
My trebuchet link works fine for me...are you sure you're clicking it right? You gotta nudge it over on the left a little, it likes it that way, trust me.
18:21 / 21.04.05
I don't think it likes me Chuk. I have even tried talking dirty to it.
18:48 / 21.04.05
Sun shiny, friends care not if I flirt with them. Lack of focus immaterial. Life is good, as is lack of qualifiers.
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
19:04 / 21.04.05
Sunny! Good interview over breakfast this morning! Sunny! The prospect of an afternoon of work with the biggest rasperry smoothie ever! Sunny! Picking up pirate clothes tonight for my GoffickPirate weekend!

Even my comedy bank-balance cannot bring me down.
Baz Auckland
19:43 / 21.04.05
Ah I'm drunk in Amsterdam, so I'm happy....

...Strix, if it's any consolation, I'll be miseralble again in Canada in just 3 days... (sigh)....
Mourne Kransky
21:34 / 21.04.05
Just bought a lovely lovely house to live in and have monster parties in. Yayyyyyyyyyyy/........
22:40 / 21.04.05
Baz? You're coming home? But it's cold and it smells funny here.
22:44 / 21.04.05
Baz, we miss you. Come to our next Barbemeet so you can meet the very cool Sandalphon.
rising and revolving
00:06 / 22.04.05
Indeed! When are you back? That's reason enough for a meet, methinks - we're due one.
07:41 / 22.04.05
Well in London town both today and yesterday the sun is shining. This is a very good thing. And when I was walking out and about I could smell the earth and the trees and nature all in a big "Springtime growth" phase. It smelt of growing and warmth and made me feel all nice and snuggly.

I do really like spring!
Benny the Ball
07:57 / 22.04.05
Today you must all find someone to kiss under a blossoming tree to ensure that the year is filled with love and happiness.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
08:19 / 22.04.05
Keeps on gettin' better, baby,
Keeps on gettin better, keeps on,
Keeps on gettin' better, baby

Deep breaths, Pine fresh, Glass of Water, the Landlord's Daughter, Holy Guacamole, I LUUURVE this business.

Cheers for being, Barbelith! The day is long. Get yo freak on! YEEEHAAARRRRRRR! in a non-redneck stylee.
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